Agenda item

Improvement Plan 2016/17


            That the Committee endorses and supports:-


(i)         the content of the improvement plan and ‘How we measure achievement’ document for the priority ‘Modern and Efficient Council’

(ii)        the strategic approach to the Improvement Plan and its delivery

(iii)       the proposed targets for the national performance indicators      



The Chief Executive introduced a report on the Improvement Plan for 2016/17 which had been refreshed and updated to reflect the key priorities of the Council for next year.  The Improvement Plan was to be submitted to meetings of Cabinet and County Council on 14 June 2016.


                        Following a presentation of the initial draft to Cabinet on 19 April 2016, relevant sections of the Improvement Plan were being presented to Overview & Scrutiny Committees for consultation and input, along with the proposed targets for the national performance indicators.  This Committee had the opportunity to comment on the Improvement Plan as a whole and more specifically on the ‘Modern and Efficient Council’ priority which included areas within the terms of reference of the Committee.  


                        The Policy and Performance Manager explained that the main change within the ‘Modern and Efficient Council’ priority was within the ‘Developing Communities’ sub-priority for 2016/17 and built on work that had been completed in 2015/16 with support for local communities; details were provided in paragraph 1.09.  She also highlighted the sub-priority of ‘Improving Resource Management’ and explained that this also built on issues that had been considered in the previous year particularly in the area of efficiencies. 


                        Councillor Paul Shotton supported the Plan and commented on the provision the living wage for care providers which was a national issue affecting all Councils and the ongoing work to deliver a proactive housing solutions service to prevent homelessness for as many households as possible.  He also welcomed the project to bring empty homes back into use and spoke of a scheme in his ward which had seen the development of a building that had previously been a public house which was now being converted into flats.  Councillor Shotton also commented on the securing of funding through the Major Repairs Allowance (MRA).  


                        The Chief Executive confirmed that the ongoing MRA funding was a significant resource for the Council to meet the Welsh Housing Quality Standard by 2020.  On the issue of care homes, he commented on the Special Social and Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee that had been held to consider the Residential Care Review.  Discussions were taking place with Welsh Government on the declining funding for the care home sector and the need to identify workable solutions.  The issue of funding had also been raised with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) on the Interim Care Fund and whether this could be used to fund the cost of meeting increases in domiciliary care.  He added that the issue of care home provision in Flintshire was a high priority. 


                        Councillor Richard Jones said that he had a number of questions that he would send to the Chief Executive and the Policy and Performance Manager.  He commented on the importance of providing support for people with dementia and queried why the areas of economy and enterprise had been included under one priority when they had previously been reported separately.  The Chief Executive explained that this was because the two areas of economy and enterprise fitted well together and allowed for consolidation of the plan. 




            That the Committee endorses and supports:-


(i)         the content of the improvement plan and ‘How we measure achievement’ document for the priority ‘Modern and Efficient Council’

(ii)        the strategic approach to the Improvement Plan and its delivery

(iii)       the proposed targets for the national performance indicators      


Supporting documents: