Agenda item

Outline – Erection of up to 24 No. dwellings together with means of access from shopping park link road and removal of part of existing earth bund and change of use of land to domestic gardens on land west of Broughton Shopping Park, Broughton (049488)


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning and subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement requiring the following:-


a)         affordable housing – the provision of 6 units to be sold on a shared equity basis

b)         education provision - £21,000 financial contribution for improvements to local education facilities at Broughton Primary School

c)         public open space - £1,100 per dwelling to enhance existing recreation facilities in the community in lieu of on site provision

d)         public footpath link – the provision of a footpath link between roundabouts R2 and R3 linking the existing footway along the Shopping Park Link Road with the pedestrian link to Church Road to the north west of R3. 



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 18 June 2012.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting. 


            The officer detailed the background to the report and drew Members’ attention to the late observation sheet which detailed the requested highway conditions.  Condition 16 in the report was to be amended to require the submission of a biodiversity protection and conservation scheme instead of a Reasonable Avoidance Measures scheme; this had been agreed with the applicant and the Countryside Council for Wales.  All matters except access were reserved for later approval.  A development brief for housing at the Compound Site, West of Broughton Retail Park, Broughton had been adopted in March 2012. 


            Mr. M. Krassowski, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  The site was allocated for housing in the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and a development brief had been adopted for the site, with which, following minor amendments, the development fully accorded.  He explained that consultation had been undertaken with the owners of the properties which would be affected by the proposed removal of the bund adjoining their properties, and they agreed with the proposals.  There were no noise implications as a result of the removal of the bund.  The continuation of the green corridor adjacent to the link road would enhance the biodiversity of the site and the area.  Included in the proposal were six affordable homes which the applicant had agreed to even though the size of this site itself did not technically require the provision of affordable units.


            Councillor W. Mullin, the local Member, thanked Members for attending the site visit and thanked the Planning Strategy Manager for the development brief for the site which he felt was vitally important.  He indicated that because he was a school governor for Broughton Primary School, which and it was proposed would receive a financial contribution if the application was permitted, both he and Councillor D. Butler had been advised that they were able to speak for three minutes and then should leave the chamber during the debate.  He said that he was minded to support the recommendation but still had some concerns about the bund, even though he said that most residents were happy about its removal .  He said that the development brief indicated that some of the properties would be 2.5 storeys requiring the provision of dormer windows and roof lights.  He disagreed with three storey units but felt that roof lights and dormer windows might be acceptable. 


            Councillor D. Butler said that he had been opposed to the site being in the UDP but now recognised that that the Inspector had designated the whole  site for residential use.  He concurred that one of the issues which needed addressing was the 2.5 storey buildings and said that there were no three storey buildings in Broughton.  He also felt that three bedroom apartments would need three parking spaces.  He had been involved in the preparation of the development brief, which needed to be followed.  He did not understand why he was not permitted to take part in the debate on the application.          


Councillors D. Butler and W. Mullin, having earlier declared an interest in the application, left the meeting after they had spoken for three minutes but prior to the debate. 


            Councillor M.J. Peers proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded.  He referred to the recommendation in paragraph 2.01 and felt that it should be conditioned that the shared equity scheme should be on a 70%/30% basis.  He asked how many bedrooms would be in the affordable properties and said that the provision needed to be linked to local need.  He sought assurance that buyers would not be disadvantaged by the affordable properties being of a lower specification than comparable properties.  


            The officer said that as this was an outline application, details on the number of bedrooms were reserved for the reserved matters application. 


            The Planning Strategy Manager commented that the value of having the development brief was that it gave guidance on what could be included in scheme.  Councillor N. Phillips asked if it was appropriate to invite Councillor Butler back into the meeting to hear what was being said in answer to the points he had raised.  In response, the Principal Solicitor said that both of the Members had been given the same advice, and it was ultimately a matter for them whether or not to accept the advice and act upon it.  As Councillor Butler had acted upon that advice and had declared an interest, it would be inappropriate to invite him back part way through the debate. 




That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning and subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement requiring the following:-


a)         affordable housing – the provision of 6 units to be sold on a shared equity basis

b)         education provision - £21,000 financial contribution for improvements to local education facilities at Broughton Primary School

c)         public open space - £1,100 per dwelling to enhance existing recreation facilities in the community in lieu of on site provision

d)         public footpath link – the provision of a footpath link between roundabouts R2 and R3 linking the existing footway along the Shopping Park Link Road with the pedestrian link to Church Road to the north west of R3. 

Supporting documents: