Agenda item

Dementia Services


(a)       That the Committee welcomes the success of the active strategy to support people with dementia and their families, living successfully in the community; and


(b)       That the Committee endorses the involvement of individuals living with Dementia and their families in the design and development of services and developments across the Council.



The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report to provide an update in relation to improving the lives of people living with Dementia across Flintshire as well as supporting those family members caring for loved ones with Dementia.  He advised that the report also provided an overview of the work currently being undertaken by colleagues in Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) to improve the timeliness of diagnosis in Flintshire Memory Clinics, the improvements to in-patient care in Community Hospitals for people with dementia and the development of specialist pathways to services for people with different forms of dementia.  The Chief Officer continued that an update was also provided regarding the contribution that those living with Dementia were making through their involvement in planning and shaping future services and facilities in Flintshire and gave an overview of some of the many community initiatives across Flintshire aimed at supporting those with Dementia to remain safe and independent within their local communities and maintaining important social contacts and relationships.


                        The Chief Officer introduced Luke Pickering-Jones, Planning and Development Officer, Social Services, and Gill Bailey, Planning and Development Project Manager, Social Services to present the report.  The Planning and Development Officer explained that the work to improve the lives of people living with Dementia across Flintshire had five key aims and  reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report.  He advised that an illustration of the Dementia care and Dementia friendly services provided in Flintshire was appended to the report.   


The Cabinet Member for Social Services commented on the positive impact dementia friendly events and engagement with local residents and businesses to form a dementia friendly community, was creating in Flintshire.


                        The Chair invited Members to raise questions.


Councillor Paul Cunningham congratulated Officers on the work being undertaken by Flintshire to promote support and recognition for people with Dementia and their carers. 


During discussion Members raised concerns around patients who do not suffer from Dementia being placed in ‘Dementia wards’ in hospital.  It was agreed that this could be added to the item for discussion at the meeting of the Committee to be held on 13 December 2016. 


Councillor David Healey also congratulated officers on their hard work and commitment to support Dementia care in Flintshire.  He referred to the withdrawal of Community First funding and asked how long Intermediate Care Funding (ICF) would continue.  He also commented on the work being undertaken in rural communities and cited community support in local churches and chapels as an example and said that the importance of volunteers within the community should be recognised.  The Chief Officer responded to the questions and concerns raised and said that Dementia services would remain a priority for ICF funding.   The Chief Officer concurred with the views expressed by Councillor Healey around the importance and acknowledgement of the work carried out by volunteers.  He commented on the significance of church and chapel communities in forming strong community hubs.


The Cabinet Member and Planning and Development Officer acknowledged that the loss of the Communities First grant would be difficult and gave examples of how the funding was used to provide support to dementia care services.  Officers also referred to the additional support and expertise provided by Communities First in terms of the practical assistance given by physical help, transport, and room hire for Dementia cafes as some examples of the work undertaken to provide dementia based services within communities.   


Councillor Dave Mackie asked if information could be provided on the venues, opening hours and contact details for Dementia cafes around Flintshire.  Councillor David Wisinger explained that Dementia cafes were ‘open to all’ and provided a meeting place, activities and front line support and contact.    The Chief Officer commented on the overall strategy and the significant progress made by Flintshire in providing Dementia Care and Friendly services.  This model had also attracted interest from other authorities.   The Planning and Development Officer agreed to provide a calendar and contact details for the Dementia Cafes in Flintshire.




 (a)      That the Committee welcomes the success of the active strategy to support people with dementia and their families, living successfully in the community; and


(b)       That the Committee endorses the involvement of individuals living with Dementia and their families in the design and development of services and developments across the Council.


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