Agenda item
055470 - Application for Change of Use to Mixed Use Including Agricultural, Residential and Business and Replenishment of Existing Stone Hard Standing at Brynsannan Cottage, Bryn-Sannan, Brynford
That full planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:
1. In accordance with the approved plans
2. Personal permission to the owner
3. Restrictions on hours of operating
4. Landscaping scheme
5. Restrictions on the commercial and agricultural vehicles to be parked on site
6. Facilities shall be provided and retained for parking and turning of vehicles
7. Lighting details and position to be agreed
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 10th October 2016. The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting.
The application sought consent for the change of use to a mixed use including, residential and business use and the replenishment of an existing stone hardstanding (in retrospect).
The business was well established and involved carrying out of works off site including hedge cutting and slurry spreading. The owner operated tractors and a commercial van, all of which were stored on the application site. Equipment and machinery for the tractors were stored on site which consisted of cutting equipment, ploughs and a slurry tanker.
Objections had been received from local residents on the grounds of safety; potential fire hazard; change of use; noise and light pollution and ‘replenishment’ being used deceptively in the application. Responses to each of those objections were detailed in the report.
Mrs James spoke in support of the application and provided details covering the following: full permission was being sought for agricultural, residential and business use; the business served local farms and other rural businesses; small scale sole trader; one transit van, two tractors and other usual agricultural machinery was on site; clarification of the hours of operation, which was not 24 hours a day; Welsh Government guidance advised against temporary permissions when the application accorded to the development plan which this did; highway concerns could be dealt with by condition; support received from the immediate neighbour to the application site and full planning permission was sought as opposed to the 18 months recommended.
Councillor Thomas proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded. He knew the area well which previously was a smallholding. Much of the area of Flintshire was agricultural so vehicles such as tractors were to be expected and associated storage. He recommended that full permission should be granted, not a temporary permission for 18 months.
Councillor Peers said there was not a lot of equipment on site and the applicant provided a service to the local community. Only one objection had been received and the business had been operating successfully for the past 12 months. He duly seconded the approval of a full application.
Councillors Bithell and Butler both commented that whilst agricultural businesses were encouraged by the Authority, a condition in the report related to the restriction of commercial vehicles to be parked on the site. Agricultural vehicles were not small by their very nature and they asked if the business grew, was that condition sufficient to restrict large agricultural machinery moving on and off the site.
Councillor Roberts said he knew the site which he felt was suitable for what was being considered. He also supported full approval of the application.
Councillor Lloyd said he encouraged sole traders and following the site visit, the only issue appeared to be the position of the security light. The Chairman said that the applicant had advised he would move the light to an alternative position.
The officer commented on the condition in the report and Members comments which related to the restriction of commercial vehicles and suggested that the words “and agricultural” be included after the words “commercial” in the wording. This was supported by the proposer and seconder of the motion.
That full planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:
1. In accordance with the approved plans
2. Personal permission to the owner
3. Restrictions on hours of operating
4. Landscaping scheme
5. Restrictions on the commercial and agricultural vehicles to be parked on site
6. Facilities shall be provided and retained for parking and turning of vehicles
7. Lighting details and position to be agreed
Supporting documents: