Agenda item

055736 - A - Full Application - Erection of 2 No. Class A3 Units with Associated Public Realm Improvements and Car Parking Re-Configuration at Broughton Shopping Park, Broughton


That the application be deferred to enable discussion with the landowner regarding a comprehensive long-term approach to parking at the site.


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application.  The usual considerations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting, relating to concerns raised by Airbus.


The officer outlined the reasons for recommending approval on the basis that the application met policy requirements and would enhance the current offer at Broughton Park.  The findings of the independent Transport Statement supported the determination that the loss of parking spaces was not significant and the condition for a parking occupation survey would monitor usage over 12 months.  Concerns by Welsh Water would be addressed through a condition to delay occupation until October 2017.


Councillor Derek Butler disagreed with the officer recommendation and proposed that the application be refused.  He acknowledged that the space was under-utilised but felt strongly that more parking spaces were needed due to the parking problems already in evidence, impacting on traffic in the surrounding area.  He questioned the rationale for a play area on the site and felt that no further development should be permitted until car parking capacity increased, including provision for staff working on the park.


In seconding the proposal for refusal, Councillor Mike Peers spoke against the loss of car parking spaces, particularly disabled bays located near facilities.  Whilst not objecting to the application itself, he felt that the location was wrong and that the delayed occupation could enable more suitable alternatives to be explored.  He spoke about the gradual loss of parking spaces and raised concerns about the continued gridlocked traffic at the site at weekends.


Councillor Billy Mullin also spoke against the application and agreed with the need to reconsider location.  He expressed concern that any further reduction in parking spaces would contribute to the ongoing significant parking issues and that disabled bays should not be removed.  He also felt there was a need for more regular discussions with the owners of the retail park.


Councillor Christine Jones agreed with the points raised by Members on the lack of current parking provision.  She also questioned the need for a play area on the site and felt that more Parent and Child parking spaces were needed.


The highways officer confirmed that the application was supported on the basis of the conditions detailed and noted that disabled bays were replicated elsewhere on the site.


Whilst understanding the views raised, the Planning Strategy Manager and Development Manager provided advice to the Committee in respect of considering the long-term plans for the site and the condition for a parking occupation strategy which would not apply in the event of any appeal decision by the Inspector.


In summing up, Councillor Butler expressed his disappointment with the application as the Council worked closely with the owner of the park.  He highlighted the importance of disabled bays being appropriately located and stated that the proposed uses would increase the number of visitors to the park, thus impacting on the traffic issues in Broughton.  He said there was a need to ascertain the long-term plans of the park owner before considering the application.


The Planning Strategy Manager suggested that the Committee may wish to consider deferring the item to allow officers to contact the owner to share the concerns and establish future plans for the park.  This was accepted by Councillors Butler and Peers.


Councillor Peers reiterated his view that this was the wrong location for the application and that whilst the Committee did not object to the proposals, they should not be at the expense of parking spaces.


On being put to the vote, the proposal to defer the item was carried.




That the application be deferred to enable discussion with the landowner regarding a comprehensive long-term approach to parking at the site.

Supporting documents: