Agenda item
052922 - A - Full Application - Erection of 1 No. Wind Turbine (78m to Tip) and Ancillary Infrastructure and Access at Kingspan Ltd., 2-4 Greenfield Business Park 2, Bagillt Road, Holywell
- Meeting of Planning & Development Control Committee, Wednesday, 18th January, 2017 1.00 pm (Item 125.)
- View the background to item 125.
That the application be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment).
The Committee considered the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment) in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit. The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report. Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting.
The officer outlined the reasons for recommending approval of the application and explained that whilst some degree of visual impact from a wind turbine was inevitable, the application met the criteria of EW4 by the removal of a second turbine. A balanced view had been taken in recognising the wider benefits of renewable energy schemes and aerodrome concerns had either been resolved or were being addressed by a radar mitigation scheme through a Grampian style condition.
For the applicant, Mr. M. Harris, Divisional Building Technology Director of Kingspan Insulated Panels, spoke in support of the application on the following grounds: safeguarding and creation of local jobs and financial benefits to the local economy; the generation of power to local homes and offsetting of carbon emissions; mitigating steps taken to address the concerns raised; the aim of Kingspan in seeking to power all its manufacturing sites by renewable energy by 2020 to facilitate further business growth and protect jobs; and significant investment including local contracting.
Councillor Chris Bithell moved the officer recommendation for approval which was duly seconded by Councillor Gareth Roberts. He commented on the location of the scheme, the benefits in producing renewable energy and the reduced carbon footprint. He felt that the amended application could be accommodated and whilst there would be some visual impact, there would be no lasting detriment to the landscape. He spoke of his support for renewable energy schemes and noted that all concerns raised had been dealt with.
As adjoining ward Member, Councillor Rosetta Dolphin spoke against the application on the following grounds: concerns about the location, height, size and movement of the wind turbine; the visual and noise impact on the 58 new homes located closer to the site than where noise monitoring had been undertaken; potential impact on users of the coastal path; concerns on the migration flight path; the precedent set if the application was approved; the unknown effect on TV reception; the impact of shadow flicker particularly on the residents of a nearby property for adults with learning disability including epilepsy; and the lack of detail on the radar mitigation scheme. Whilst supportive of renewable energy schemes, she noted that the energy generated would only serve the applicant and not homes.
In support of approving the application, Councillor Derek Butler praised the community benefits of the scheme, adding that surplus energy would benefit local residents. He said that each application should be considered on its own merits and pointed out that all concerns had been addressed. Whilst acknowledging objections to the height of the wind turbine, he could see no further reason for objection.
Also speaking in support, Councillor David Roney said that further renewable energy schemes should be welcomed and promoted.
Councillor Mike Peers welcomed the application which supported local business and promoted green energy. He asked whether the applicant had engaged with Holywell Town Council during the application to discuss its objections and whether the height of the wind turbine was necessary. He also referred to Councillor Dolphin’s comments on the noise assessment and sought assurance that sufficient consultation had been undertaken.
Councillor Richard Jones commended the steps taken by the applicant to address the concerns raised. He acknowledged the condition for protocols to deal with any complaints about TV reception interference and shadow flicker but felt that these should be prepared in advance to give assurance to residents.
In response, the officer explained that noise levels had been confirmed as acceptable at a point monitored on Bagillt Road, which was closer to the site than the housing development referred to; furthermore a safeguard had been included to investigate and mitigate any reported noise nuisance issues. Concerns relating to migrating birds would be addressed through consultation with the RSPB on the conditions once these were drafted and the radar mitigation scheme would ensure approval from Airbus prior to commencement of work. The environmental statement dealt with shadow flicker and the reduced height of the wind turbine was considered acceptable and sufficient to achieve operating levels. The applicant had engaged with the Town Council at the start of the process and consultation with the community had been ongoing.
In advising the Committee, the Service Manager - Strategy highlighted the need to recognise the importance of the area to local industry when determining the application.
Councillor Richard Jones repeated his earlier comments regarding early preparation of the protocols and suggested local Member involvement. The Development Manager referred to section 7.73 of the report and explained that protocols could not be determined at this stage but that officers could engage with the local Member at that time.
In summing up, Councillor Bithell spoke of his support for the amended application before the Committee and for renewable energy schemes in general, citing an example where permission had previously been granted.
On being put to the vote, the proposal to grant permission was carried.
That the application be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Chief Officer (Planning and Environment).
Supporting documents:
052922 - Full Application - Erection of 1 No. Wind Turbine (78 to Tip) and Ancillary Infrastructure and Access at Kingspan Ltd., 2-4 Greenfield Business Park 2, Bagillt Road, Holywell, item 125.
PDF 174 KB
Enc. 1 for 052922 - Full Application - Erection of 1 No. Wind Turbine (78 to Tip) and Ancillary Infrastructure and Access at Kingspan Ltd., 2-4 Greenfield Business Park 2, Bagillt Road, Holywell, item 125.
PDF 315 KB