Agenda item

Workforce Information Report - Quarter 2 2016/17


That the Committee accepts the Workforce Information Report for Q2 2016-17.


The Senior Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development (HR & OD) presented the quarterly update report on workforce information which focussed on organisational performance and trends.


A continued decrease in headcount figures was reported and there was an improvement in employee attendance compared with the same period in 2015/16 with progress on track to meet the target.  There were also improvements in the completion of appraisals where outcomes were being reviewed to inform training and development.  Agency worker spend was significantly above target during the period mainly due to long-term vacancies in Streetscene & Transportation and spend outside the Matrix contract in Social Services.  Since compilation of the report, the number of active agency placements had reduced considerably from 168 to 88.  The recruitment of former agency workers to 55 permanent posts in Streetscene would be reflected in the figures and spend level for Quarter 3.


The Chief Executive referred to the changes in the Streetscene service which had impacted on the length of time taken to fill vacancies.  He said that context was needed on recent press coverage of the agency worker figures and that an improved position expected in next period would be maintained.  The Senior Manager shared up-to-date information showing 19 agency workers were currently engaged in the service, having reduced from 119 reported in September 2016.


Councillor Paul Shotton welcomed the improved attendance figures, pointing out that agency worker figures had not been a concern as there had been widespread recognition about the recruitment situation.


The Chairman asked whether the aspirational target of £1.25m spend on agency workers was considered realistic.  The Senior Manager said that this target was achievable and that the long-term vacancies in Streetscene could not have been predicted.  She went on to explain that whilst the permanent appointments had been made in September 2016, commencement dates depended upon clearance times which impacted on the figures reported.


Councillor Robin Guest pointed out that the overspend on Streetscene agency workers was offset by salary savings from the vacancies.  In Social Services, it was explained that spend had been affected by vacancies that were difficult to fill or required specialist agencies outside the Matrix system.  The Chief Executive spoke about the challenges in recruiting experienced professionals and that interim appointments were only made as a last resort.  Work was being done on agency workers in social care and off-contract appointments, and would be reflected in the next quarterly report.


In response to questions from Councillor Richard Jones, the difference between headcount figures and full-time equivalents was explained by dual positions held by a number of individuals.  The Senior Manager agreed to seek clarification on the reason for the difference in reported statistics between teacher age profiles of 35-44 and 45-49.  On the recruitment of long-term agency workers, she explained that support was available for those wishing to apply for permanent positions and that reasons were established for those who did not apply or were unsuccessful.


On equality and diversity, it was noted that the pie chart did not accurately reflect the figures for sexual orientation and that the category for ‘other’ should be included in ‘prefer not to say’.




That the Committee accepts the Workforce Information Report for Q2 2016-17.

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