Agenda item
Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (GwE)
- Meeting of Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 16th March, 2017 2.00 pm (Item 59.)
- View the background to item 59.
(a) That the update on the school improvement service joint arrangement (GwE) and that Flintshire’s priorities and objectives within the GwE Business Plan be noted; and
(b) That the development and delivery of the GwE integrated core Challenge and Support Programme and the Development Programme be noted.
The Senior Manager School Improvement introduced the report to inform the Committee of progress with the development of the Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (GwE). She introduced Vicky Barlow, Senior Challenge and Support Adviser (GwE), and David Edwards, Assistant Senior Challenge and Support Adviser (GwE), and invited them to present the report.
The Assistant Senior Challenge and Support Adviser (GwE) provided background information and referred to the two key elements of the Service Level Agreement between GwE and local authorities which were the Challenge and Support Programme to all schools, designed to ensure a clear and unambiguous focus on improving school performance and outcomes for learners through a model of ‘supportive challenge and challenging support’ via regular visits to school by GwE Challenge Advisers, and the GwE Development Programme to promote and facilitate the professional development of all practitioners to ensure the highest standards of teaching and leadership to underpin a self-improving system, which secures the highest outcomes for learners.
The Assistant Senior Challenge and Support Adviser (GwE) referred to the main considerations which were detailed in the report and advised that the over-arching priority of (GwE) was to secure improved outcomes for learners across the region al all key stages. He reported that the main focus for improvement at the current time was to improve the percentage of key stage 4 pupils who achieved the Level2+ indicator (5 GCSE passes A* to C including English/Welsh and Mathematics). He explained that progress towards this improvement priority was being robustly monitored by GwE and that Challenge Advisers had undertaken a focused visit to all secondary schools during the Spring term to carry out a review of the school’s progress in meeting their L2+ targets.
The Assistant Senior Challenge and Support Adviser (GwE) explained that all schools in Flintshire were being actively encouraged to access the Development Programme offered by GwE which aimed to provide quality professional development opportunities for teachers at all stages of their career. The number of conferences and training courses offered by GwE continued to be expanded and the development of bespoke leadership programmes extended.
Councillor Hilary McGuill commented on the importance of maintaining continuity of the Challenge Advisors in schools and commented on the additional pressures on schools who experienced frequent changes in the Challenge Advisors they worked with. The Assistant Senior Challenge and Support Adviser (GwE) acknowledged the point and explained that GwE would try to ensure continuity where possible but some changes were beyond its control and referred to the secondment of some advisers as an example. He commented that whilst continuity was important there was also a benefit to be gained from a “fresh pair of eyes” working with schools to provide the support and challenge needed.
Councillor Dave Mackie expressed concerns around the progress which had been achieved in schools since the introduction of GwE which he felt was not as good as expected. He cited examples from the information provided in the GwE Business Plans, Level 1 and Level 2, which were appended to the report, to outline his concerns around the lack of improvement in Flintshire schools.
The Senior Challenge and Support Adviser (GwE), responded to the concerns raised and referred to a review which had been undertaken of the GwE service, the recent appointment of a permanent Managing Director, and the development of a revised secondary challenge and support programme model for 2017. She also referred to the goals to be achieved by Summer 2017, and the regional priorities and actions outlined in the Business Plans which were appended to the report.
The Senior Challenge and Support Adviser acknowledged that there was still work to be done in terms of support and challenge in the Secondary sector and commented on the specific concerns identified and the revised secondary model which aimed to ensure that better use is made of the expertise and experiences of Senior Challenge Advisers, Challenge Advisers, School Senior Leaders and Education Officers to provide high quality assistance and support that is consistent across all hubs and regions. She explained that the secondary model aimed to ensure that schools received a holistic support package for all aspects of its work drawing on expertise from within the consortium, local authorities, and schools themselves.
Referring to the Development Programme provided by GwE to schools the Senior Manager School Improvement said there was a need to look at how many schools were accessing the training offered and how that information could be shared more effectively in terms of the dashboard. In response to the comments raised by the Chair concerning the time and venue for some of the training courses provided, the Senior Challenge and Support Adviser explained that feedback had been taken on board and changes had been made to the Development Programme where possible.
During discussion the Senior Challenge and Support Adviser responded to the comments and concerns raised by David Hytch around curriculum breadth, collaborative working, and the credibility and consistency of the advice being offered to schools by challenge advisers.
(a) That the update on the school improvement service joint arrangement (GwE) and that Flintshire’s priorities and objectives within the GwE Business Plan be noted; and
(b) That the development and delivery of the GwE integrated core Challenge and Support Programme and the Development Programme be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Regional School Effectiveness and Improvement Service (GwE), item 59. PDF 94 KB
- Appendix 1 - GwE Business Plan Annexes for Flintshire: Level 1 and Level 2, item 59. PDF 383 KB
- Appendix 2 - Developing a revised secondary Challenge and Support Programme model for 2017, item 59. PDF 142 KB
- Appendix 3 - GwE Challenge and Support Programme for Schools in support, item 59. PDF 237 KB
- Appendix 4 - Examples of support packages and visit reports for amber schools, item 59. PDF 309 KB