Agenda item
Digital Strategy - Digital Customer
- Meeting of Cabinet, Tuesday, 20th February, 2018 9.30 am (Item 134.)
- View the background to item 134.
As detailed in the recommendations.
The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) introduced the Digital Strategy – Digital Customer report which proposed an approach to deliver those strategies, focusing on enabling customers to contact the Council and use the services, where appropriate, through the use of technology.
Specific examples of how it would work were outlined in the report including proposals to launch a Customer Account and a Payment Portal which would enable customers to buy a range of services from the Council on line and from one point of access. Customers that needed telephone contact or face to face contact would receive more support from customer service staff who might otherwise be handling queries that could be resolved through digital access.
Over time the approach would result in efficiencies that would support delivery of the Council’s financial strategy. However, the overall approach was about modernising and improving the Council’s delivery of customer services by making the best and most appropriate use of digital technology. To achieve that, an initial investment of £0.550m was proposed to support the improvement of providing digital content for the customer and to ensure that back office IT systems could present in the way the approach required. The investment would be paid back through future efficiencies.
The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the report had been submitted to Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week where it was supported and welcomed by Members. Members of that Committee requested details of best practice by other Councils; those details would either be circulated to Members or a workshop would be arranged. He said that in addition to the Digital Strategy being a tool for the benefit of residents, it was also a key tool in working with key partners such as Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board (BCUHB) He expressed his thanks to the IT department for developing the customer portal in house.
Following a question from Councillor Thomas, the Chief Officer (Governance) confirmed that telephone and face to face contact would still be available. He added that current smaller customer service teams would be consolidated which would increase resilience during peak demand in different areas.
(a) That the implementation of the Digital Strategy and Customer Strategy through a priority and focus on improving services for ‘Digital Customers’ be agreed;
(b) That, subject to a completion of a review of reserves to identify where funding will come from, an investment fund of £0.550m be agreed in principle to support the implementation of this work with the condition that as a minimum this amount will be paid back in future efficiencies, resulting in a zero net cost to the Council. This includes the appointment of the three year fixed contract appointments and the redesign of the work of the Customer Service team roles as detailed in the report. Delegated authority is approved for the relevant Chief Officers in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Members to implement these appointments and the job re-design; and
(c) That the Customer Account be launched in March 2018 enabling customers to use this service, and give initial feedback on the service so it can be developed over time.
Supporting documents:
- Digital Strategy, item 134. PDF 94 KB
- Enc. 1 for Digital Strategy, item 134. PDF 1011 KB
- Enc. 2 for Digital Strategy, item 134. PDF 61 KB