Agenda item

Forward Work Programme


That the Forward Work Programme be amended to reflect the suggestions made.   



            The Chairman introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the Committee. 


            He detailed the issues considered by the Committee on a quarterly basis which included the Capital Programme and reports on Performance and Workforce Information.  Other reports which were submitted on a six monthly basis, and where possible before they were considered by Cabinet, included Asset Strategy, People Strategy, Customer Service Strategy and Improvement Priorities.  He also highlighted further items which were within the remit of this Committee such as iTrent Implementation, Compact for Change and Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). 


            The Leader of the Council said that Cabinet’s Forward Work Programme would be developed and reviewed based on the priorities set by Cabinet.  He also gave a commitment that the Revenue Budget Monitoring Reports would continue to be submitted to this Committee before they were considered by Cabinet.  He felt that there was a need to review the MTFS and suggested that an update report be provided to the Committee meeting on 5 July 2012 to allow for their input into its continued development.  The Chairman explained that he had spoken to the Head of Finance about this and it had been suggested that a special meeting be held for the MTFS. 


            Councillor I. Smith queried why all of the meetings were scheduled for 10am.  The Member Engagement Manager responded that the timings had been based on what had occurred in the past but that the Democracy & Governance Manager was circulating a questionnaire to all Members about their preferences for timings of meetings.  Councillor C.S. Carver expressed concern that not all 70 Members would respond.  The Chairman said that moving the meetings of this Committee to the afternoon on the scheduled days could be considered.  He also suggested that the special meeting for MTFS could be held on the afternoon of 5 July 2012 with the meeting to consider the items detailed in the Forward Work Programme still being held on the morning of the same day.  The Member Engagement Manager concurred and said that it was hoped that the questionnaires would be returned shortly to allow a decision to be made for future meetings. 


            In response to a comment from Councillor P.G. Heesom seeking assurance that Members could refer issues to the Committee, the Member Engagement Manager advised that the Local Government Measure put into law what was already available in Flintshire County Council protocol; this was that Members could put issues forward to Overview and Scrutiny Committees regardless of whether they were a Member of that Committee.  He reminded the Committee of the standard practice that the Chairman and Vice-Chair, in discussion with himself, could put items onto the Forward Work Programme as necessary and would be responsive to Members’ concerns. 


The Chairman said that the Strategic Assessment of Risk and Challenges (SARC) and the Annual Improvement Report also needed to be included in the Forward Work Programme.  Councillor Heesom suggested that a report be brought forward on Flintshire Futures but the Chairman explained that the monthly Revenue Budget Monitoring reports included details on Flintshire Futures.  The Leader of the Council said that it was a significant piece of work and it was important that all Members understood it.  He added that it was also important that an urgent session be held to consider the MTFS in its current format and to consider whether it was fit for purpose.  Following a discussion it was agreed that the Member Engagement Manager would make enquiries about a date for a special meeting of the Committee on the MTFS. 


            The Head of ICT and Customer Services advised that an update report on the IT Strategy was being considered by Cabinet on 10 July 2012 which could also be submitted to the next meeting of this Committee. 


            Councillor P. Shotton requested further information on Single Status and the People Strategy.  The Chairman advised that the People Strategy was considered by Cabinet on an annual basis and the Member Engagement Manager advised that it was scheduled for 12 June 2012, the following day.  The Head of ICT and Customer Services said that the importance of Single Status was recognised and he advised that the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development was to set up a series of workshops for Members. 





That the Forward Work Programme be amended to reflect the above suggestions.   



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