Agenda item

North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project


(a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That a seminar be arranged to refresh the knowledge of returning Members and to inform new members of the wider issues concerning  the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project’s procurement process.   



The Director of Environment introduced a report to update on progress of the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project’s (NWRWTP) procurement process.


The Director provided background information and advised that it was a complex procurement process where due consideration needed to be given to all matters by both the Partnership and the bidders.    He advised that eight bidders had originally been invited to submit their outline solution(s).  Following evaluation by a range of technical, legal, financial officers and advisors, the Joint Committee had decided to take three bidders to the next stage of the procurement process to submit detailed solutions.   An additional stage had been included in the procurement process and the participants were instructed to submit a road and rail based solution for the Project.  The bidders submitted full detailed proposals on 5 April 2012.


The Director gave an overview of the key considerations as detailed in the report and advised that one of the main issues for the Project was the range of waste related targets which challenged Welsh authorities.  The Welsh Government (WG) had made it clear that future strategic direction and resources would be directed towards local authority policies based on high levels of recycling and composting and low levels of land-filling.  However, there would remain significant levels of residual waste which must be disposed of through sustainable technologies.  Penalties would be incurred if the Council failed to meet the targets levied. 


Members were informed that the Joint Committee meeting to consider the bidders’ detailed solutions received on 5 April 2012 was currently being set and more information on the proposed site and technology would be provided in the next update report. 


Councillor J.M. Johnson asked what residual waste consisted of.  The Director of Environment explained that it was defined as matter in the waste stream prior to recycling.  He continued that there was no reason why the Authority could not achieve 70% recycling although there was further work to be done to inform the general public of what could be recycled.       


Councillor D. Evans sought further information on tender documentation.  The Director advised that the WG was technology neutral and that no guidelines or restrictions had been imposed.  The Authority would be working with the WG to develop the best possible solution for North Wales. 


Councillor W.P. Shotton referred to the environmental impact of air quality.   The Director commented on a meeting which had recently been held to consider baseline levels of air quality in local areas and advised that a contract for the future monitoring of air quality would be set up.


In response to a query concerning industrial and toxic waste raised by Councillor P.J. Curtis the Director confirmed that it would not form part of the residual waste. 


Councillor A.P. Shotton commented on the need to consider how best to represent the concerns of residents around waste treatment and air quality and particulate matter. 


Councillor C. Hinds made reference to the requirement for a licence and asked for further information on its use.  The Director explained that an appropriate licence was required for everything that went into the facility which would include a mixture of products. 


CouncillorN.M. Matthews advised that the Project Team was addressing many of the concerns raised by Members and bringing to resolution.  She suggested that it would be helpful if a seminar was arranged to refresh the knowledge of returning Members and to inform new Members, which addressed the wider issues.  The Cabinet Member for Public Protection, Waste and Recycling put a caveat that this might be a full Council event


Councillor D. Evans commented on the possibility of rail being used as part of the service to transport waste to the main facility and asked that consideration be given to the impact on residents whose properties were situated in close proximity to the railway lines.         




(a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That a seminar be arranged to refresh the knowledge of returning Members and to inform new members of the wider issues concerning  the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Project’s procurement process.   

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