Agenda item

Older People’s Strategy and Ageing Well Plan

To provide Members with an update on the work that is taking place to implement the Strategy for Older People in Wales, with a specific focus on the Ageing Well Plan.


That the progress made be noted.



Councillor Christine Jones introduced the report to provide an update on the work taking place to implement the Strategy for Older People in Wales with specific focus on the Ageing Well Plan.  She invited the Older People’s Strategy Co-ordinator to present the report.


The Older People’s Strategy Co-ordinator advised that the Ageing Well in Flintshire Plan provided a framework for developing activity that would support older people to take control of their lives so they could maintain independence and wellbeing and continue to play an active part in their communities.  She provided background information and reported on the progress made in the following priority areas, as detailed in the report, which demonstrated the strong links with partners, citing community groups and older people’s groups as examples, and third sector organisations who were instrumental in taking the work forward:


·         Age-Friendly Communities

·         Falls Prevention

·         Dementia Supportive Communities

·         Opportunities for Learning and Employment

·         Loneliness and isolation


Councillor Hilary McGuill thanked the Older People’s Strategy Co-ordinator for an excellent report.  She welcomed the initiative that North Wales Fire & Rescue Service fire crew  had been trained to carry out Falls Risk Assessments during home fire safety checks and sought clarification that all Fire Stations within Flintshire were implementing this.  The Older People’s Strategy Co-ordinator confirmed that Deeside Fire Station was  ‘on board’ and said that she would confirm the position with Buckley Fire Station following the meeting.   Commenting on the Loneliness and Isolation work in areas of rural north Flintshire, Councillor  McGuill  asked how the activities/information leaflets would be distributed to the target areas.   The Older People’s Strategy Co-ordinator  confirmed that the leaflets would be issued through Town and Community Councils, local organisations and community groups  and services.  She said that elected Members  had also offered to distribute leaflets in some areas and acknowledged the need to use existing resources. 


Councillor Dave Healey commented on the opportunity to combine the distribution of leaflets within the newsletters sent out by Members and the potential to use local Councillors who had well established networks for the distribution of leaflets.


Councillor Hilary McGuill expressed her thanks for the training which had been provided to Mynydd Isa Scouts to be ‘Dementia Friends’ which demonstrated a positive approach towards dementia friendly communities across age ranges.  She commented on the Authority’s plans to charge voluntary organisations 20% business rates and expressed concern that this could result in the closure of scouts clubs and other groups within local communities.


Councillor Dave Mackie acknowledged the excellent work being undertaken to combat the issue of loneliness and isolation and welcomed ‘Dementia solutions’ initiatives.  He emphasised that loneliness was a serious problem particularly amongst older people and said that some  people may not feel comfortable attending Dementia Cafes.  He urged the Authority  to look at initiatives that could be implemented in local communities so that people enduring loneliness could attend during the week to socialise and meet other people.  The Older People’s Strategy Co-ordinator commented on a project which was  currently taking place in the Mostyn and Gronant areas to consider what volunteers could achieve in the area and to encourage the setting up of appropriate groups and clubs.


Councillor Kevin Hughes  commented on the opportunity to raise awareness through links with local businesses and cited shopping centres as an example.  He asked what was being done with regard to keeping older people warm  during the winter months.  The Older People’s Strategy Co-ordinator explained that Age Cymru run an annual campaign ‘Spread the Warmth’ which includes a guide providing  information and advice on keeping warm, safe, and well .  Some useful tips and advice for keeping warm and well during the Winter months have also been included in Councillor Christine Jones’s column in the 50+ Action Group’s Quarterly newsletter ‘Codger’s Quarterly’ which will be distributed around the County early December .  Councillor Andy Dunbobbin suggested that Social Media and community noticeboards could also be used to ‘spread the word’ in local communities.


Councillor Gladys Healey commented on the need for Dementia Friendly and Age Concern to be managed separately.  


Councillor Carol Ellis referred to the 50 plus engagement worker post which was funded until 2020 and asked that officers and Members remain mindful that this is an important role  particularly in view of the projected rise in the number of older people in Flintshire in the future.




That the progress made be noted.


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