Agenda item
Council Plan 2017/18 - Mid year monitoring
- Meeting of Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 23rd November, 2017 2.00 pm (Item 28.)
- View the background to item 28.
To review the levels of progress in the achievement of activities, performance levels and current risk levels as identified in the Council Plan 2017/18.
(a) That the Committee notes the mid-year monitoring report;
(b) That the Committee seek clarity in future presentation of performance monitoring reports; and
(c) That a letter be written to Mrs Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education, outlining the concerns raised by the Committee on the following issues:-
- The proposed 11% reduction to the Education Improvement Grant;
- The removal of the Small and Rural School Grant;
- The withdrawal of the School Uniform Grant for year 7 pupils entitled to Free School Meals
The Interim Chief Officer introduced a report to review the levels of progress in the achievement of activities, performance levels and current risks, as identified in the Council Plan 2017/18. She advised that it was a positive report with 88% of activities being assessed as making good progress and 67% likely to achieve the desired outcome. In addition 65% of performance indicators met or exceeded target. Risks were also being successfully managed with the majority being assessed as moderate or minor. The Interim Chief Officer referred to the three major risks, as detailed in the report, and referring to the sustainability of funding steams she advised that the Council had recently received notice, without prior warning, that the WG had made an 11% cut to the Education Improvement Grant (EIG).
Councillor Ian Roberts explained that in addition to the cut in funding to the EIG the School Uniform Grant for year 7 pupils entitled to Free School Meals had also been withdrawn without prior notice.
During discussion Members expressed a number of concerns regarding the cuts in grant funding and the lack of notice to enable the Council and schools to plan for the impact. Councillor Ian Roberts commented on the implications of the teachers pay rise next year and commented that any increase above 1% in public sector pay would need to be funded centrally. Councillor Patrick Heesom proposed that a letter be sent on behalf of the Committee to outline the Committee’s concerns and this was seconded by Councillor Ted Palmer. It was agreed that a letter be written to Mrs Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education, outlining the following issues:-
· The proposed 11% reduction to the Education Improvement Grant
· The removal of the Small and Rural School Grant
· The withdrawal of the School Uniform Grant for year 7 pupils entitled to Free School Meals
Councillor Dave Mackie expressed a number of concernsaround the format of the performance monitoring report shown at Appendix 1. The Facilitator agreed to speak to the Performance Team to ensure that the formatting was improved for future reports. Councillor Mackie commented that there had been previous proposals to provide training for Members to enable them to better understand the performance information presented and asked if this was going to be progressed. The Facilitator agreed to raise this matter with the Democratic Services Manager as part of the Member Development Programme.
Councillor Mackie queried the figures shown on page 51 of the report concerning the ‘percentage of young people aged 16 – 18 in the youth justice system offered education, training or employment’. It was agreed that the Facilitator would contact the Youth Justice Manager to seek clarification on the figures presented.
Mrs Rebecca Stark commented on the risk around leadership capacity as referred to in the progress report and asked if there was a risk that there could be insufficient qualified or suitable Headteachers in the future. The Interim Chief Officer commented that the situation was becoming more challenging, however, schools in Flintshire had not had a problem in appointing robust candidates. She explained that GwE had developed a strong professional development opportunities programme to support current postholders and ensure there were suitable candidates for the future.
Ms Rebecca Stark referred to the risk relating to the requirements placed on the Council and schools by the forthcoming Additional Leaning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill resulting in the need for additional resources in terms of specialist services and provision. The Interim Chief Officer explained that every school should have an early years Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Co-ordinator and that the Authority was working hard for a dedicated ALN co-ordinator to prepare for 2020 planning.
Councillor Patrick Heesom raised concerns that no progress was being made on the provision of a satisfactory Youth Service in Flintshire. In response Councillor Ian Roberts explained that work was progressing on the Youth Council and suggested that the item be included on the Forward Work Programme so that an update could be provided to a future meeting of the Committee.
(a) That the Committee notes the mid-year monitoring report;
(b) That the Committee seek clarity in future presentation of performance monitoring reports; and
(c) That a letter be written to Mrs Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education, outlining the concerns raised by the Committee on the following issues:-
- The proposed 11% reduction to the Education Improvement Grant;
- The removal of the Small and Rural School Grant;
· The withdrawal of the School Uniform Grant for year 7 pupils entitled to Free School Meals
Supporting documents:
- Quarters 1 & 2 Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring Report, item 28. PDF 118 KB
- Appendix 1 – Council Plan 2017/18 Mid-Year Progress Report – Learning Council, item 28. PDF 741 KB