Agenda item

Inspection of Children's Assessment and Care Management


That the findings of the inspection and the resultant action plan (with the amendment to the action plan suggested by Councillor R.J.T. Guest) be accepted. 



The Head of Social Services for Children introduced a report to advise Members of the outcome of the inspection in March 2012 of Children’s Assessment and Care Management within Flintshire County Council’s Social Services for Children, and agreement of the action plan in response to the inspection report. 


                        Peter Graham from the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) was introduced to the Committee.  He detailed the background to the report and provided a presentation for the Committee.  The main features of the presentation were:-


·         Focus of Inspection

·         Criteria for Evaluation

·         Methodology

·         Headline Summary

·         Detailed Evaluation for Criteria 1, 2, 3 and 4

·         What works well for Criteria 1, 2, 3 and 4

·         What needs to improve for Criteria 1, 2, 3 and 4


The Chair gave her thanks to Mr. Graham for the presentation and also congratulated the Head of Social Services for Children and her team on the results of the inspection. 


Councillor D.E. Wisinger asked whether inspections were ever carried out without prior warning being given and in response Mr. Graham said that unannounced inspections were occasionally carried out.  Councillor Wisinger also asked whether interviews with children or the elderly were undertaken with their carer present, as he felt they may find it difficult to speak in front of the carer.  In response, Mr. Graham said that the child/elderly person had the choice of who they wanted to be present when they were interviewed but added that in his experience, they were not scared to say what they wanted.  Mr. Graham also explained that children/elderly people could also respond to questions in writing if they preferred and added that obtaining evidence was an important part of the inspection.  The Head of Social Services for Children said that the role of the Independent Reviewing Officer ensured that children being interviewed were taken care of.  She detailed other initiatives of how children and young people in the looked after system could put their points forward.  Another initiative included the Conference Buddy Scheme for Child Protection Conferences and the user survey forms which were young people friendly.  The Chair suggested that some of these areas that had been mentioned could be put forward as good practice by the Authority. 


Councillor R.J.T. Guest welcomed the positive report and added his congratulations to the Head of Social Services for Children and her team and also to the Chair who had been Executive Member for Social Services at the time of the inspection.  He queried the entry on developing a more consistent approach to the application of risk assessment and asked whether any thought had been given to the length of time that had elapsed since the disc had been issued.  Councillor Guest also asked about sickness absence, completion of assessment document and the recording of data within the computer system.  On sickness absence, the Director of Community Services said that there were specific issues in key areas but that sickness absence rates had reduced which was an improvement.  The recording of data within the computer system was one of the key actions within the action plan but he agreed with the suggestion from Councillor Guest that the action plan could be amended to reflect what was being undertaken in the Authority.  The Head of Social Services for Children responded to the question about the disc and said that there were no issues with the content of the information but that due to the turnover of staff within the service, a reminder was to be sent out about the disc and its content.  On the completion of assessment documents, she said that it was important to ensure that there was a proper process in place to alleviate the concerns which had been highlighted. 


Councillor M. Bateman added her thanks to the Head of Social Services for Children and her team and to the Chair for the inspection results.  She asked for further information on sickness absences and in response the Director of Community Services said that there were issues which had resulted in medium to long term sickness absences. 


Councillor D.I. Mackie thanked Mr. Graham for the presentation and in welcoming the inspection results, added his congratulations to the team.  He said that he had been lucky enough to visit the Children’s Services Department on a Climbié visit and commented on the employees who were all committed to helping others. 


The Cabinet Member for Social Services reiterated the comments of the Committee and gave thanks to the Director of Community Services, the Head of Social Services for Children and her team and he thanked Mr. Graham for the presentation.           




That the findings of the inspection and the resultant action plan (with the amendment to the action plan suggested by Councillor R.J.T. Guest) be accepted. 


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