Agenda item
Consultation on Welsh Government White Paper “Promoting Local Democracy”
To inform the committee of the contents of the
White Paper “Promoting Local Democracy” and obtain its
views on how to respond to the consultation.
(a) That the White Paper “Promoting Local Democracy” be noted; and
(b) That the draft response to consultation on the White Paper be amended to reflect the discussion and submitted.
The Democracy and Governance Manager introduced a report to inform the Committee of the contents of the White Paper “Promoting Local Democracy” and obtain Members’ views on how to respond to the consultation. The questions and draft responses were appended to the report
Copies of a paper to the WLGA Co-ordinating Committee on the consultation was distributed at the meeting for Members’ information.
Members referred to the considerations in the report and made the
following observations on the seven areas covered by the White Paper.
Local Government Boundary Commission Wales
On question 2 Members agreed that the Commission’s membership be
extended to 6 members and that the quorum be increased to three.
Question 8 related to community reviews. The Chief Executive commented that there was already a statutory duty to keep under review and only if a council had not carried this out should the Commission require one
There was an objection to the proposal put forward in question 16 as being unreasonable to put a specific number at the start of the process. The draft response reflected the recent Council decision when considering the consultation on Council size and so it was agreed that the response should remain “Yes”.
Members endorsed the draft responses provided to questions 19 to 23.
Amendments to the Local Government (Wales) Measure
Question 25 was discussed and it was agreed not to comment one way or the other.
Members agreed to add a comment that senior salaries should continue to be paid post elections until the appointment of new postholders at each subsequent Annual General Meeting as their duties continued during that period.
Members in receipt of special responsibility allowances up until the next Annual General Meeting of the County Council as their duties continued.
The draft responses to questions 29 to 32 were endorsed.
Access to Information: Town and Community Councils
Members were in favour of the draft responses to questions 33 and 34..
Electoral Issues
The Chief Executive and Head of Legal and Democratic Services responded to queries raised by Members concerning payments made to local government officers when undertaking election work and provided further clarification on the duties and responsibilities for running elections. Members agreed the draft response to question 35.
Members welcomed the potential use of funding mechanisms to reward
efforts to improve registration levels and expressed the view that the Authority’s performance was good.
Local Government Ethical Framework
During discussion Members were of the view that there should be a
Code of Conduct which applied to both County and Town and Community Councillors in the same way. Members also supported the concept of more regional collaboration but not necessarily over North Wales as a whole.
Councillor P.G. Heesom withdrew from the meeting room at this point for the remainder of the agenda item.
The Committee were of the view that Members should be required to take out insurance cover for legal representation costs either individually or through political parties
Local Government Scrutiny and Councillor Training and Development
Members endorsed the proposed responses as detailed in the report concerning Local Government Scrutiny and Councillor Training and Development.
(a) That the White Paper “Promoting Local Democracy” be noted; and
(b) That the draft response to consultation on the White Paper be amended to reflect the discussion and submitted.
Supporting documents:
- General Template (all other Committees) for Consultation on Welsh Government White Paper “Promoting Local Democracy”, item 4. PDF 42 KB
- App 1 - Consultation Response Form, item 4. PDF 63 KB