Agenda item

Learner Outcomes


(a)       That the report and verified attainment of Flintshire children and young people at Key Stages 4 and 5 for the year 2016-17 be noted; and


(b)       That the Committee supports and endorses the work of secondary Flintshire schools in assisting young people in realising their potential.



The Interim Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced the report to provide an update on Learner Outcomes in 2017.  She provided background information and advised that the Regional School Improvement and Effectiveness Service (GwE) continued to work closely with the Local Authority to ensure that all schools, and particularly secondary schools, were accurately tracking pupil progress towards published targets to ensure a better match between predicted and actual outcomes. 


                        Councillor Dave Mackie expressed a number of concerns regarding Key Stage 4 results and expressed the view that there had been a continuous decline in performance at KS4 in recent years.  He felt that Flintshire’s ranking in the performance tables should be higher than 6th position.  The Interim Chief Officer (Education and Youth) responded to the comments and concerns raised and explained that Flintshire’s minimum position was 6th but the aspiration was higher. 


                        Councillor Dave Mackie referred to the Key Stage 5 Results - 2017, as detailed in appendix 2 of the report and asked if comparative data could be provided with the Deeside Sixth and Coleg Cambria.   The Cabinet Member for Education and Interim Chief Officer responded to the comments and concerns raised by Councillor Mackie and explained that the entry criteria for students to Deeside Sixth differed to that in Flintshire secondary schools.    


Councillor Geoff Collett also commented on the Key Stage 5 results and asked that information on the number of students who did not complete their courses and details on why they didn’t be provided in future Learner Outcomes Reports.  The Interim Chief Officer agreed to collate this information for future reports.


In response to the comments made by Councillor Kevin Hughes concerning school attendance and unauthorised absence, the Interim Chief Officer advised that the WG allowed parents to have up to 10 days unauthorised absence.  She explained that despite the best efforts of schools to dissuade parents from taking their children out of school during term time and the information provided on the impact of a day lost in education some parents viewed the decision as an ‘entitlement’.  The Interim Chief Officer gave an assurance that schools had rigorous processes and data in place to identify patterns of attendance and robust procedures to address the issue of pupil’s non-attendance.


Mrs. Rebecca Stark said that schools should be commended on their performance in the current financial climate and asked that this be passed on to schools.  She also commented on the need to provide personal support to headteachers and staff who were in the ‘front line’ of the impact of financial cuts to the education budget.   The Interim Chief Officer acknowledged that schools were under significant pressure and gave an assurance that dedicated support was available from mental health practitioners and as much support as possible was being provided.


Mrs. Rebecca Stark asked that future reports include information on student projected targets and the actual achievement.  The Interim Chief Officer agreed to look at this for future reports. 


Councillor Kevin Hughes said schools should be  congratulated on the excellent work undertaken and  the opportunities provided to pupils through the Welsh Baccalaureate scheme.


Following questions around the transport subsidy to the Deeside Sixth, the Interim Chief Officer agreed to raise with the Partnership Board what funding mechanism was in place for students who attended Deeside Sixth from England.


Members raised further questions around targets and projected outcomes for pupils, and the vocational pathways available for students who aspired to study at higher education but did not achieve the entry qualifications for an academic route.  In response to the comments and concerns which were raised the Cabinet Member for Education and Interim Chief Officer gave a commitment to provide a workshop on all aspects of Post 16 education across Flintshire.


The Chair proposed that the Committee supported and endorsed the work of secondary Flintshire schools in assisting young people in realising their potential and this was agreed by members.




(a)       That the report and verified attainment of Flintshire children and young people at Key Stages 4 and 5 for the year 2016-17 be noted; and


(b)       That the Committee supports and endorses the work of secondary Flintshire schools in assisting young people in realising their potential.


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