Agenda item

Appraisals Progress Report


That the progress report be noted subject to:


(a)       That Head Teachers be requested to provide appraisal data for schools based employees;


(b)       That a progress report on Appraisals be provided annually and with a six month interim report;


(c)       That the exemption for employees whose manager is absent for a prolonged period be removed from the list of exemptions;


(d)       That data be provided at service rather than portfolio level; and


(e)       That it be emphasised to Chief Officers that those whose Portfolio Appraisals performance are less than 80% might be required to appear at the Committee to give account for this if performance did not improve over 2018/19.


The Chief Executive and Senior Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development presented a report showing a detailed analysis of completion levels of appraisals across all portfolios.


A breakdown of progress with appraisals within each portfolio showed that Chief Executive’s, Organisational Change 1 and 2 had achieved 100%.  The Chief Executive expressed his disappointment that not all portfolios had achieved 100%. However, a rate of 86% had been achieved across the Authority which was a marked improvement on the previous year.


                        The Senior Manager explained that some portfolios has not achieved 100% due to Service reviews being undertaken.  It had been made clear to managers within each portfolio that they had to produce a clear project plan and time had been spent in briefing managers to be more proactive.  It was agreed that the target of 100% should be kept and not lowered. The Cabinet Member for Corporate Management & Assets reiterated that the Chief Executive and the Senior Manager had given a clear message to managers that this was done.


                        Councillor Richard Jones commented that it was disappointing that a completion rate of 100% had not been achieved.  In response to a question regarding a number of exemptions - schools based employees, employees in their first six months of employment (new starters) and employees whose appraising manager is/has been absent for a prolonged period, the Chief Executive agreed that Head Teachers would be asked to provide figures and that the exemption for employees whose appraising Manager is/has been absent for a prolonged period would be removed.  The Senior Manager explained that new starters had a probation period and were regularly reviewed, so were not covered by this appraisal system.


                        Following questions from the Chairman, Council Paul Cunningham and Councillor Hilary McGuill, the Senior Manager explained that there was not a set appraisal cycle across the Council; this would vary between each portfolio and was run on a full year.  Members were reminded that Managers received automated  reminder emails when an employee’s annual appraisal was due.


The Chief Executive responded to comments by Councillor Richard Jones on the data to be provided at service rather than portfolio level.


All Chief Officers would be required to produce an action plan to provide assurance on appraisal scheduling and completion for the current year, including the full use of iTrent for record keeping, and a mid-year progress report would be provided to Committee.




That the progress report be noted subject to:


(a)       That Head Teachers be requested to provide appraisal data for schools based employees;


(b)       That a progress report on Appraisals be provided annually and with a six month interim report;


(c)       That the exemption for employees whose manager is absent for a prolonged period be removed from the list of exemptions;


(d)       That data be provided at service rather than portfolio level; and


(e)       That it be emphasised to Chief Officers that those whose Portfolio Appraisals performance are less than 80% might be required to appear at the Committee to give account for this if performance did not improve over 2018/19.

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