Agenda item

Flintshire County Council's Integrated Transport Strategy


That the Committee notes the work on Flintshire County Council’s Integrated Transport solution and its links to the wider North East Wales Metro plans by Welsh Government.


Councillor Carolyn Thomas introduced the report which gave an update on the development of the Integrated Transport Strategy for the whole of Flintshire.  She thanked the team for working with Welsh Government (WG) to secure capital funding to support schemes within the Strategy which aimed to provide a long-term sustainable transport solution by integrating all modes of transport with links across the county and wider region.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) and the Transportation & Logistics Manager gave a presentation covering the following:


·         Key Drivers - Why Now?

·         A Fully Integrated Solution

·         Cycleway and Active Travel

·         Highway Improvements

·         Bus Network

·         Rail Improvements

·         Linking Flintshire

·         Progress To Date


The Strategy had evolved from the Deeside Plan to extend across the county and its alignment with the North East Wales Metro system (being promoted by WG) had helped to attract capital funding.  Whilst some of the key drivers related to tackling congestion on Deeside Industrial Park (DIP) as the main employment hub in that area, the overall project aimed to establish links to key employment sites from residential areas throughout Flintshire.  Members were encouraged to attend a workshop on 11 April 2018 on the review of public transport subsidies and development of community transport arrangements.


The Committee was introduced to Mr. Askar Sheibani (Chair of Deeside Business Forum) who spoke about the economic importance of the DIP within the region and the aim to increase connectivity with other areas of Flintshire.  He praised the innovative approach taken by the Council and its achievements to date.


During discussion, Members commended the progress which had been made and the commitment to create links for accessing employment.


Councillor Shotton asked about timescales for the rail/road/bus hub.  The Chief Officer advised that WG had confirmed funding for the new buses which were expected to be operational by October.  Whilst funding and land was available, operational arrangements would need to be determined.  The provision for rail was the most aspirational aspect and options would be discussed by a joint working group with WG.


In welcoming the Strategy, Councillor Dolphin felt that the report lacked detail, particularly on the benefits to residents in the west side of Flintshire.  His concerns about congestion problems around the Lloc/Caerwys junction on the A55 were noted.  The Chief Officer acknowledged that the report did not reflect the level of work done to date but he explained that the project was expanding to other areas.  The total cost could not be estimated at this stage as the project comprised of a number of evolving schemes with some meeting criteria for Active Travel funding.


Councillor Bibby called for representations to be made to WG about the impact of reduced bus services in rural areas.  In response to comments about DIP, it was explained that the results of a recent survey to ascertain working shift patterns would help inform the new bus timetables.  On the improvements to bus journeys through Shotton High Street, full consultation would take place with residents and businesses along the Deeside corridor.  On the proposed Park & Ride facility from Penyffordd to DIP, the development of the Quality Partnership would ensure that links extended to other areas such as Mold and Buckley.  The Chief Officer agreed to pass concerns about anti-social behaviour on cycle paths to North Wales Police.


Councillor Evans suggested options for links to Zone 4 of DIP and alternative routes for Shotton High Street.  The Chief Officer noted the safety concerns about traffic on Shotton High Street and the suggestion for sensors to be installed to alert heavy goods vehicles approaching the railway bridge.  In relation to Deeside Parkway, it was noted that the Council was working with the designer of the Red Route on the development of the proposed new railway station.


In response to comments from Councillor Owen Thomas, Mr. Sheibani spoke about engaging with businesses on the DIP to encourage employees to use public transport links.


Councillor Dunbobbin referred to the potential to use the river and also for the Council to establish its own company to provide bus services.  In response to queries, officers explained that applications for grant funding would link to legislative duties, and an update would be sought from Network Rail on the electrification of the Wrexham to Bidston railway line.


Following comments on Hawarden Airport, Councillor Butler informed Members that the prospect of commercial flights was unlikely at this stage.  He went on to say that whilst some of the transport solutions would benefit the Mersey Dee Alliance, the project was primarily about inclusivity: improving access to employment sites and addressing recruitment and retention issues.


Councillor Gay felt it would be useful to view the map in detail and she raised issues about access from Saltney to Deeside.  The Transportation & Logistics Manager gave assurance that officers were looking at wider issues and were aware of pinch points.  On the proposed Park & Ride at Penyffordd, it was explained that land was already available and that other sites would be explored.


When asked by Councillor Bateman about the cycleway route from Mold to Broughton, the Chief Officer said that demand was recognised and that options were being explored to enable a consultant to provide costings.  A railway station near Broughton with a Park & Ride facility in Chester were being considered and a future report would be brought back to the Committee.


The Chief Officer (Planning & Environment) responded to a number of comments from Members and referred to the fit between the Strategy and the Local Development Plan.


The Chairman expressed his appreciation to all those involved in what he described as an exciting project for Flintshire.




That the Committee notes the work on Flintshire County Council’s Integrated Transport solution and its links to the wider North East Wales Metro plans by Welsh Government.

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