Agenda item


To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 24 May and 28 June 2018, and the minutes of the joint meeting with Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 24 May 2018.


That, subject to the two amendments on the minutes of 24 May and 28 June 2018, the minutes of the three meetings be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The minutes of the meetings held on 24 May and 28 June 2018, and the joint meeting with Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 24 May 2018 were submitted.


Minutes of 24 May 2018


On minute number 1, the sentence should be changed to reflect that Councillor Healey was to be appointed as the Chairman.


Minutes of 24 May 2018 (joint meeting)


On minute number 4, Councillor Williams questioned whether there was a sufficient range of vocational courses available in schools and sixth forms to provide more options for young people.  The Chief Officer explained that a significant amount of work was being undertaken by secondary schools to identify a range of curriculum choices to match courses appropriately and meet the needs of all learners, within the Welsh Government guidelines.


Councillor Heesom expressed disappointment that the minutes were not received at an earlier stage.  On minute number 5, he referred to the detailed discussion on child safeguarding and said that his request for information had not been followed up, reiterating his concerns about the lack of youth services in his ward.  The Chief Officer said that Councillor Heesom had been informed that arrangements were being made to schedule a meeting to discuss his concerns.  Councillor Heesom also referred to attempts to have a derelict youth club removed from his ward.


Minutes of 28 June 2018


Minute number 7: In response to the comments made by David H?tch on Governors Wales, the Chief Officer spoke about Governors Cymru which had been established to support schools in addition to the ongoing support and training provided by GwE.  The Authority had agreed to pay the first 12 months’ subscription for all Flintshire schools to access support from Governors Cymru.


During discussion on the same item, a number of members queried the inclusion of resolution (a) which was based on the report’s recommendation to accept the GwE Annual Report.  It was commented that the Annual Report had not been discussed and that only part of it had been appended to the agenda rather than the entire version which had been shared with Members at Wrexham County Borough Council.  It was noted that a copy of the full report had been emailed separately to the Committee.  The Chief Officer said that efforts would be made to ensure greater parity of information shared by GwE with Overview & Scrutiny committees across the region.  The Committee agreed that resolution (a) should be removed from the minutes as it did not apply.


The Chief Officer advised that concerns about recruitment and retention levels at senior to middle tiers of leadership would be included as a topic at the next Secondary Head Teachers’ Federation meeting and feedback given to the Committee.


Minute number 8: Concerning his comments on Deeside Sixth, Councillor Williams reiterated his request for details of the Council’s investment, any financial contributions towards transport to the hub, list of available courses, together with enrolment and course completion numbers for 2016-18.    The Chief Officer explained that this should form part of wider discussion on post-16 provision on which a commitment had already been given to holding a Member workshop.  Due to the level of detail and forthcoming workshops on other topics, this would be scheduled for the New Year.  In response to further comments, the Chief Officer and Cabinet Member explained that vocational provision could be accessed through Coleg Cambria sites whilst the Deeside Sixth was focussed on a more traditional academic route, thus providing a range of options for young people.  It was also confirmed that the Head of Deeside Sixth would be present at the Member workshop.




That, subject to the two amendments on the minutes of 24 May and 28 June 2018, the minutes of the three meetings be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

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