Agenda item
Double Click Social Enterprise - Progress Report
- Meeting of Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 4th October, 2018 10.00 am (Item 22.)
- View the background to item 22.
(a) That the Committee recognises the positive progress achieved by Double Click Design and Print after 2 years as a Social Enterprise; and
(b) That the Committee continues to support and promotes Double Click as a Social Enterprise.
The Senior Manager Integrated Services Lead Adults/Early Years introduced the report to inform of the progress of Double Click since its commencement as a Social Firm. She invited the Service Manager, Disability, Progression and Recovery – Adult Services, to present the report.
The Service Manager, Disability, Progression and Recovery – Adult Services, provided background information and context and advised that Double Click had progressed greatly as a fully independent Social Enterprise, offering increased employment and training opportunities for all staff including people with mental health issues . She continued that as a result of moving to a social enterprise Double Click could employ people with a range of skills. Double Click had secured external lottery funding which had been used to purchase state of the art equipment that supported the development of the business.
The Service Manager reported on the main considerations, as detailed in the report, and referred to partnership working to enhance the experiences of trainees/volunteers, training, and grant funding. She introduced Andrew Lloyd-Jones, General Manager, Double Click, and invited him to give an overview of the services and the employment and training opportunities provided for all staff including people who had experienced or continued to experience mental health problems.
Mr Lloyd-Jones explained that there were three levels of learning at Double Click with the aim (at Level 3) of developing the trainee towards gaining an accreditation at Double Click in conjunction with a college or university. Although business orientated; Double Click was able to support its volunteers, trainees, and employees according to any additional needs. Mr. Lloyd-Jones continued that In addition to developing graphic/printing skills trainees were given the opportunity to acquire confidence by being involved in day to day administrative tasks and customer care, and supported in the management of cash flow and petty cash transactions. Mr Lloyd-Jones reported that Double Click currently had 22 trainees who were at different levels of development. The Learn Direct course was successful in developing trainees’ skills in all aspects of graphic design and allowed individuals to learn at their own pace followed by 1:1 tuition and support from a member of staff qualified in graphic design. Each trainee had their own development programme and personal portfolio of work which was updated as the trainee progressed.
The Chair thanked Mr Lloyd-Jones for his presentation and invited Members to raise questions.
Councillor Dave Mackie referred to the statement of accounts for year ending 31 March 2017 which were appended to the report and congratulated Mr Lloyd-Jones and his team on the profit achieved by Double Click during its first year of operation and on meeting its target for sales. In response to a comment expressed by Councillor Mackie around the time taken to establish the business enterprise, the Service Manager explained that the setting up of the enterprise was a lengthy process due to the complexity of the legal and human resource matters which needed to be carefully addressed.
Councillor Hilary McGuill raised a concern around the financial contribution made by Flintshire County Council to Double-Click. The Chief Officer (Social Services) advised that there was no intention to reduce the financial contribution paid by the Authority and spoke of the great value that it placed on the work of the service in supporting those with Mental Health issues. The Chief Officer (Social Services) went on to explain that the financial contribution was to deliver ongoing service user support as part of the Social Services provision, part of the ethos of Double Click and the services provided as a social enterprise in a nurturing and supportive environment. Councillor Christine Jones commented on the recent visit of the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport who recognised the great progress made by Double Click as a Social Enterprise which he described as a model of best practice for other sectors in the region.
In response to a further question from Councillor McGuill regarding the achievements of trainees on the training and development programme, the Service Manager suggested that Mr. Lloyd-Jones sends a list of the outcomes to the Committee for information. The Service Manager suggested that the Committee may wish to consider making a further visit to Double-Click. The invitation was accepted by the Committee.
The Chair thanked Officers for their attendance and answers to Members questions.
(a) That the Committee recognises the positive progress achieved by Double Click Design and Print after 2 years as a Social Enterprise; and
(b) That the Committee continues to support and promotes Double Click as a Social Enterprise
Supporting documents:
- Double Click, item 22. PDF 83 KB
- Appendix 1 - Double Click Report 17-18, item 22. PDF 4 MB
- Appendix 2 - Mindful Autumn, item 22. PDF 588 KB
- Appendix 3 - Mindful Autumn - Welsh, item 22. PDF 550 KB