Agenda item

North Wales Learning Disability Strategy


            That the Committee support the draft North Wales Learning Disability Strategy and recommend approval to Cabinet.


                        The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report on the North Wales Learning Disability Strategy.  He provided background information and context to explain the Strategy and advised that it was due to go to the Regional Partnership Board for approval in November 2018 after which it would go through the approval processes of the six local authorities and the health board. 


The Chief Officer introduced Sarah Bartlett, Regional Project Manager, North Wales Social Care and Well-Being Improvement Collaborative, and invited her to present the report.  The Regional Project Manager explained that to achieve the vision and provide services based on what mattered to people five work packages had been planned that would set out how things would change to achieve good lives for people with learning disabilities.  The work packages take an asset-based approach to build on the skills, networks and community resources that people with learning disabilities already had.  They will be co-produced with people with learning disabilities and their parents/carers.  The key to achieving the vision will be to work with local communities to make sure people with learning disabilities are truly valued and included in their communities.  Sarah Barlett reported on the five work packages outlined in the report. 


The Chief Officer referred to the wide ranging consultations carried out on the Strategy which were detailed in the report and said questions and comments by the Committee were welcomed.


In acknowledging the comments made by Councillor Dave Mackie around the need for targets and actions to be made clear in the Strategy the Chief Officer drew attention to the measures on page 90 of the report as an example of the actions to be taken to implement the Strategy. The Senior Manager Integrated Services Lead Adults/Early Years emphasised that this was an overall North Wales Strategy and work was ongoing in Flintshire with regard to implementing the strategy at a local level. She also referred to the need to address the requirements of a number of Acts within the sector.


            Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to the number of children in the report with a severe or profound learning difficulty.  She commented on the need for parents to have assurance that a Statement of Educational Need was in place throughout their child’s education from primary school to higher education and college or university.  She asked how well Social Services linked in with Education services. The Service Manager, Disability, Progression and Recovery – Adult Services advised that nurses and social workers have co-located teams which work very well.  She added that with regard to educational need there is a transition team and a transition panel which meets with educational representatives on a monthly basis.  


Councillor Andy Dunbobbin asked that reference be made to the Armed Forces in the Strategy.  The Chief Officer agreed to take this forward.


Councillor Gladys Healey referred to training for GP’s regarding learning disabilities and asked whether training was planned or already taking place.  The Chief Officer advised that there is some training taking place, however more consistency is required across the region.  He added that people with learning disabilities are more likely to have poor physical health.


The Chair thanked Sarah Bartlett and officers for their attendance and detailed answers to Members questions.




That the Committee support the draft North Wales Learning Disability Strategy and recommend approval to Cabinet.

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