Agenda item

Full Application - Substitution of 9 house types at land at Field Farm Lane, Buckley (049712)


That planning permission be granted subject to the additional condition reported in the late observations, the requested condition about hours of working and subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning. 



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 3rd September 2012.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting. 


            The officer detailed the background to the report and said that amended plans had been received from the applicant as a result of concerns of officers and residents.  He highlighted paragraph 7.09 where it was reported that the proposed changes would comply with Council’s Planning Guidance on Space Around Dwellings. 


            Ms. A. Snook, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  She explained that the request for changes in the house type was in response to market demands and would not result in an increase in the number of plots on the site.  She added that new house types were not being introduced as the house types proposed were already on other parts of the site.  On the concerns which had previously been raised about drainage, Ms. Snook said that work had been completed and added that the applicant had contributed £100,000 to the cost of the works.  The application complied with planning policy and she requested that the Members approve the application. 


            Councillor A.M. Halford proposed the recommendation for approval which was duly seconded.  She raised concern about a lack of enforcement when 22 families had moved into the site before the drainage issue had been completed and queried whether there were any conditions relating to the ransom strip. 


            The local Member, Councillor C.A. Ellis, spoke against the application, as she felt that the proposal would result in an extensive change and would have a detrimental impact on the properties Dovecote, The Chimneys and Field Farm as the orientation of the dwellings would change.  She had been told the drainage issues had been addressed but spoke of the 22 properties which had been occupied before the upgrade had been completed.  She felt that the enforcement issues were yet to be resolved.  Councillor Ellis asked for clarification on legend H36 which was included in the original planning permission and whether it had been included in application 046845.  There would be significant changes to the amenity of the occupants of The Chimneys if this application was approved and she felt that it would set a precedent for the rest of the site. 


            Councillor C.A. Thomas suggested that a condition be included about the hours of working as residents had indicated that work commenced on the site at 7.30am on Saturday mornings.  Councillor Halford indicated that she would include this in her proposal to approve the application. 


            In response to comments made, the officer said that it was acknowledged that the layout was significantly different to what had previously been approved but that the changes resulted in the dwellings following the building line of what was already in place.  The drainage issues had been resolved and the proposal was recommended for approval.  He confirmed that he would make enquiries about legend H36 and would let Councillor Ellis know.  


            Councillor R.B. Jones commented on the affordable housing element and asked whether this would be affected by the substitution of the house types.  The officer responded that there was no requirement for affordable housing in the outline application which had been approved in 2004.  He added that the application did not change the mix of what was originally proposed. 


            In summing up, Councillor Halford said that the proposal was to approve the application including the additional condition reported in the late observations.  She added that discussions were needed between Councillor Ellis and the officer about Legend H36 and asked that she be provided with a written response about the lack of enforcement action on the 22 houses commented on earlier. 




That planning permission be granted subject to the additional condition reported in the late observations, the requested condition about hours of working and subject to the conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning. 


Supporting documents: