Agenda item
Council Plan 2018/19 Mid-year Monitoring Report
- Meeting of Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 13th December, 2018 10.00 am (Item 68.)
- View the background to item 68.
(a) That the Committee notes and endorses:
- the overall levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of activities within the Council Plan;
- the overall performance against Council Plan performance indicators;
- the current risk levels within the Council Plan;
(b) That the Committee is assured by plans and actions to manage the delivery of the 2018/19 Council Plan; and
(c) That a further report be received in January with an illustration of the planning cycle for financial, business and performance planning, and information on the range of performance information which is available for Overview & Scrutiny Committees to draw upon for performance reporting.
The Chief Executive introduced a mid-year progress report on performance against the Council Plan 2018/19. The report concentrated on the few areas of under-performance. A high-level summary report had been considered at the previous meeting in advance of this full report.
Following a question by Councillor Jones on the ‘microcare’ initiative, information was shared on plans to develop community social enterprise models to strengthen resilience in the social care sector. Explanation was also given on support for reducing energy tariffs delivered through an area-based programme to target specific areas of deprivation.
On the percentage of households successfully prevented from becoming homeless, officers agreed that the number of cases would also be shown in future reports to give a full picture.
In response to comments on the Serving Council priority, the Chief Officer (Governance) agreed to circulate summary information on the age and value of aged debt owed to the Council, together with an explanation of the process. He also provided a brief update on engagement with the Welsh Government to instigate the removal of the borrowing cap to support Council housing.
The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer advised that absent data for some of the Education performance indicators was due to the timing of the academic year, and that the preparations for the new curriculum could not be assessed until new guidance was made available.
In highlighting the need for further discussion on the Council Plan, Councillor Heesom reiterated his concerns about areas of risk on the Ambitious Council priority and benefits to the whole of the County. In response to comments on the integrated transport network, Councillor Shotton said that the achievements on securing investment locally should be recognised.
The Chief Executive provided clarification on the content of the report scheduled for the next meeting as set out in the recommendations, to manage expectations. He gave a reminder of the statutory requirements for the Plan and said that work on the Council Plan for 2019/20 was due to commence in the New Year with the aim to achieve adoption by June 2019.
Councillor Johnson raised his concerns about the impact of Brexit on the local economy which he felt should be identified as a strategic risk. The Chief Executive referred to the advisory handout circulated to County Council in October which outlined the different roles of any council in managing transition through Brexit. He gave examples of national and regional risk assessment work and said that regional and local risks would be better understood at a later stage.
(a) That the Committee notes and endorses:
- the overall levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of activities within the Council Plan;
- the overall performance against Council Plan performance indicators;
- the current risk levels within the Council Plan;
(b) That the Committee is assured by plans and actions to manage the delivery of the 2018/19 Council Plan; and
(c) That a further report be received in January with an illustration of the planning cycle for financial, business and performance planning, and information on the range of performance information which is available for Overview & Scrutiny Committees to draw upon for performance reporting.
Supporting documents:
- Council Plan 2018/19 Mid-year Monitoring Report, item 68. PDF 142 KB
- Enc. 1 - Mid year progress report against Council Plan 2018/19, item 68. PDF 750 KB