Agenda item
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget 2019/20, HRA Business Plan Narrative & Summary HRA 30 year Financial Business Plan
- Meeting of Community and Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Wednesday, 23rd January, 2019 10.00 am (Item 51.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 51.
- View the background to item 51.
(a) That the Committee supports the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget and business plan for 2019/20, as set out in the report;
(b) That the Committee supports the proposed rent increase of up to 2.4% (plus up to £2);
(c) That the Committee supports a garage rent increase of £1 per week and a garage plot rent increase of £0.20 per week; and
(d) That the Committee supports the proposed HRA Capital Programme for 2019/20 as set out in Appendix C of the report.
The Chief Officer (Housing and Assets) introduced a report to consider the draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget for 2019/20, HRA Business Plan narrative and the summary HRA 30 year Financial Business Plan.
The Committee received a presentation which covered the following:
· HRA achievements 2018/19
· Council house building programme
· 30 year business plan
· 2019/20 budget
o Income
o Service charges 2019/20
o HRA efficiency proposals and use of one-off funding
o Proposed HRA investment decisions and cost pressures
· HRA Capital Programme 2019/20
· HRA future activity
Amongst a number of key achievements were the Council’s performance on the gas servicing standard and apprenticeships supported through the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) and Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP). Delivery of the latter would be further enhanced by the Council’s success in attracting Welsh Government (WG) grant funding towards a scheme of affordable apartments in Garden City.
The Accountant detailed key assumptions for 2019/20 including proposed increases of £1 per week for garage rent and £0.20 per week for garage plots. No changes were proposed for service charges whilst public consultation was being undertaken. Explanation was given on changes to HRA funding since the previous year and proposed HRA investment decisions and cost pressures leading to a projected contribution of £0.158m to reserves.
The Capital Works Team Manager provided information on the types of work within HRA Capital Programme where focus on the WHQS was shifting to envelope and environmental works.
The Chairman commended the HRA achievements which had been well received by tenants.
This was echoed by Councillor Shotton who asked that Members be provided with an update on the WHQS. The Chief Officer agreed that the area based programme would be shared once it had been updated. On the request for Members to meet with Housing officers, Councillor Attridge suggested that arrangements be made for a drop-in session after the review had concluded.
In response to questions from Councillor Dolphin, the Chief Officer provided details on the review of garages. He agreed to circulate a response on the number of Apprentices appointed to full-time positions and investigate reports of a parked Council van in Carmel.
In response to questions from Councillors Dolphin and Hardcastle, the Capital Works Team Manager outlined the various classifications for ‘acceptable fails’ in the WHQS, advising that checks were undertaken to assess the condition of those properties. The practice of pre-assessment checks helped to identify any medical conditions of the tenant so that works could be co-ordinated in the most appropriate way.
In response to a query from Councillor Reece, it was confirmed that solid brick properties were included in the programme of envelope works.
Councillor Davies commended the work undertaken at Melrose Court. When asked about the outcome of the garage review, Councillor Attridge asked officers to share the programme of works with Members.
On the WHQS, Councillor Palmer asked how many properties had met the Standard and how many were left to complete before 2020. The Team Manager advised that all component upgrades had been completed in around 1,200 properties with the remainder due to be completed by the deadline. He agreed to share the figures which were submitted to WG on an annual basis.
In welcoming the work on garage sites, Councillor Hughes said that this had unfortunately resulted in parking problems in some areas. When asked about the installation of dropped kerbs outside properties, Councillor Attridge advised that private residents were able to arrange for their own contractor subject to meeting the specification available via Streetscene Supervisors.
On the SHARP programme, Councillor Attridge advised that other potential sites were being explored for development, including Buckley. The Chief Officer encouraged Members to come forward with any suggestions for suitable sites.
(a) That the Committee supports the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget and business plan for 2019/20, as set out in the report;
(b) That the Committee supports the proposed rent increase of up to 2.4% (plus up to £2);
(c) That the Committee supports a garage rent increase of £1 per week and a garage plot rent increase of £0.20 per week; and
(d) That the Committee supports the proposed HRA Capital Programme for 2019/20 as set out in Appendix C of the report.
Supporting documents:
- Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan and Budget, item 51. PDF 103 KB
- Appendix A - HRA Business Plan Narrative, item 51. PDF 849 KB
- Appendix B - 30 Year HRA Finance Business Plan Summary, item 51. PDF 89 KB
- Appendix C - HRA Capital Programme 2019/20, item 51. PDF 74 KB