Agenda item

Town Centre Regeneration


That the Committee endorses the approach to support the regeneration of town centres

in Flintshire.




The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager presented a report to set out the future approach to regenerating town centres in the County.  He provided background information and advised that the report had been produced in response to the ongoing challenging economic conditions being faced by town centres; a commitment in the 2018/19 Council Plan to develop a response; and concerns over the vitality of Flintshire town centres and the need for the Council to establish a proactive response.


The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager reported on the key considerations, as detailed in the report, concerning the approach to town centre regeneration and referred to the economic challenges facing town centres across the UK which impacted on their sustainability.  He gave an outline of the proposed responses to increase the diversity of use in towns; to strengthen the role of local stakeholder groups; and to support businesses to adapt and compete more effectively.  He also referred to delivery of the North Wales Growth Vision, which through the initial phase of Growth Deal capital projects and wider programmes of work, had the potential to bring significant benefits to town centres.  He explained that further specific projects such as digital infrastructure would help to improve business competitiveness and town centre connectivity. 


The Chairman commented on the loss of high street banks in town centres and referred to the proposal to impose charges for withdrawing money from cash machines which he felt would have a further detrimental impact on the need for people to visit town centres.


Councillor Rosetta Dolphin commented on the impact of street markets in the County and their future viability.


Councillor Paul Shotton spoke about the role of Town Centre Managers and their local knowledge and contacts.  He said there was a need for collaborative working between stakeholders, Town and Community Councils, and local communities to develop entrepreneurial opportunities for the future.  The Enterprise and Regeneration Manager provided information on the Business Improvement District programme funded by WG which would be focused in Mold but said that it would be monitored to see if it could be rolled out to other Towns across Flintshire. 


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson expressed a number of concerns regarding the regeneration of Buckley Town Centre and invited the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and the Enterprise and Regeneration Manager to attend a future meeting of Buckley Town Council to discuss a way forward.    Councillor Derek Butler accepted the invitation and emphasised that the Council was open to all suggestions for economic improvement.  He said all opportunities presented had been robustly explored and commented that a number of major retailers had been approached but, for commercial reasons, had decided not to establish new stores in the area.  Councillor Butler also spoke on the issue of limited resources and the conditions which were attached to the small one-off grants received from the Welsh Government for development in areas of deprivation.


Councillor Patrick Heesom said there was a need for improved road network and public transport services into town centres to increase new business, visitors, and footfall.  He asked that regular reports on town centre regeneration be presented to future meetings of the Committee.




That the Committee endorses the approach to support the regeneration of town centres

in Flintshire.



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