Agenda item

Council Plan 2019/20


(a)       That the Committee notes the process and timetable for the annual review of the Plan;


(b)       That the Committee defers further consideration of the report until a workshop is held;  and


(c)        That an email be sent by the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, urging all Members to attend the Council Plan workshop to be held on Thursday 30 May 2019.



The Chief Executive introduced a  report on the Council Plan 2019/20 which was approved by Cabinet on 16 April and developed since.  The Committee was asked to review the priorities and sub-priorities and provide feedback to Cabinet.


The Chief Executive provided background information and explained that the outline of the Council Plan for 2019/20 including the seven themes, their priorities and sub priorities were summarised in the report.  Work was progressing well on the detail of each sub priority and the in-year actions planned.  Cabinet endorsement of the priorities and sub-priorities of Part 1 of the Plan was given in April.  The whole Plan – Parts 1 and 2 (Part 2 including the detailed measures and milestones) was to be adopted by the County Council in June on the recommendation of Cabinet.


The Council Plan 2019/20 retained the super structure of six themes and supporting priorities with an additional theme to focus on the high profile operational services.  He said a draft  plan with a short questionnaire to provide feedback would be sent to the Committee next week and suggested that a workshop be held to consider the Council Plan in detail at the end of May.  This was agreed by the Committee.


Councillor Billy Mullin spoke of the Committee’s valuable input in scrutinising the Council Plan and said the comments and views of Members were taken on board.  He also spoke of the importance of Members attendance at workshops and the opportunity they presented to raise any concerns. 


Councillor Richard Jones expressed the view that not all Members had fully appreciated the invitation to the workshop and the importance of the Council Plan.  He commented on the need to manage the Plan alongside the budget process.  Councillor Jones proposed that the item be deferred until a workshop on the Council Plan had been held and that an email be sent on behalf of the Committee urging all Members to attend the workshop to be held at the end of  May. This was duly seconded by Councillor Paul Cunningham.   The Chair agreed to send an email on behalf of the Committee to emphasise the importance of attending the workshop on the Council Plan.  Councillor Glyn Banks suggested that Members be asked in the email to provide feedback on the draft Council Plan.


Councillor Richard Jones drew attention to the last sentence, second paragraph, on page 57 of the report and said that it suggested that some services were viewed as a lower profile and were not protected.


Councillor Patrick Heesom expressed a number of concerns on the Council Plan and said more work needed to be undertaken on the  budget setting and key functions as outlined in the Plan.  He also commented on the North Wales Growth Deal and the Integrated Transport Strategy and said there was a need for more structure in the Plan to address the key issues of economic and social development. The Chief Executive said he would welcome further discussion around specific issues or challenges that Members wished to raise and commented that the Plan reflected the budget which Council had recently approved.  The Chief Executive also said he would welcome the opportunity for further input and discussion with Members at the workshop on 30 May.


Councillor Richard Jones said he did not think there was a need for the introduction of a seventh theme on Safe and Clean Communities which he felt  would make it more difficult to undertake year on year comparison. 


It was agreed that the Democratic Services Manager would email the Corporate Business and Communications Officer with the Committee’s good wishes for her recovery.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Richard Jones and seconded by Councillor Arnold Woolley.




(a)       That the Committee notes the process and timetable for the annual review of the Plan;


(b)       That the Committee defers further consideration of the report until a workshop is held;  and


(c)        That an email be sent by the Chair, on behalf of the Committee, urging all Members to attend the Council Plan workshop to be held on Thursday 30 May 2019.


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