Agenda item

Fees and Charges


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Thomas introduced the report which proposed a policy framework that included a consistent charging structure across all areas of service.


                        The Income Generation and Marketing Manager explained that the outcome of the annual review of fees and charges was set out in Appendix A to the report.  For each charge, the extent to which full cost recovery was being met was outlined.  The report also proposed an approach to the annual indexation of all fees and charges.


                        The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transporation) said it had been a long held ambition to have all fees and charges in one place and for them to be reviewed annually.  The new income streams identified in the report formed part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


                        It was proposed to raise the charge for the garden waste collection service by between £2 and £5 per season, depending on the chosen payment method and the date the payment was received by the Council.  This reflected the rising cost of delivering the service and would increase the projected income levels by between £70,000 and £130,000 per year.


                        There was a proposed charge for the new Food/Drink Ceremony Packages under Registration Services which was projected to generate additional income of in the region of £580 in 2019/20 and £850 in 2020/21.


                        The new charge for the transfer of grave ownership administration was to be confirmed. However, comparable charges in other Councils varied from £30 to £55 for the service.  Based on current service demand, implementing a £30 charge would generate approximately £15,600 per annum and a £55 charge £28,600 per annum.


                        Councillor Bithell commented that discretionary services should be fully funded by Welsh Government (WG) as local authorities no longer received sufficient budget to fund such things.  The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that such charges were forced upon the Council due to continuing austerity and the Council recognised the impact on the public.  He emphasised that services were proposed for cost recovery and not profit making, with a sensible indexation.




            (a)       That the fees and charges as outlined in Appendix A be approved;


(b)       That the Consumer Price Index, including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH), be approved as the annual inflation index to be used for uplifting fees and charges where it is appropriate to do so (or market rate/comparable/choice where applicable) along with the proposed inflationary implementation period documented in Appendix A;


(c)        That further work to establish whether full cost recovery (direct and indirect cost recovery) is being achieved for all services be supported, where it is permissible for them to do so;


(d)       That a further review of the current Income Generation Policy, with a view to developing a policy framework for income generation to include a consistent charging and cost recovery structure be approved;


(e)       That an annual review of the fees and charges format be approved, including an annual report in July each year, setting out the proposed fees and charges for all services, which will be introduced from 1st October of the same year; and


(f)        That the additional income projects identified in Appendix B be noted, and the projected commencement dates for each be approved.

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