Agenda item
Notice of Motion
This item is to receive any Notices of Motion: two were received by the deadline.
Councillor Andy Dunbobbin - Raising Awareness of Violence Against Women and Domestic Abuse
Councillor Kevin Hughes - First Aid Training in Schools
(a) That the Notice of Motion from Councillor Dunbobbin on the e-learning package to raise awareness of domestic abuse be supported, together with the proposal for Member training sessions to incorporate the points raised; and
(b) That the Notice of Motion from Councillor Hughes on First Aid in schools be supported.
Two Notices of Motion were received:
(i) Raising Awareness of Violence against Women and Domestic Abuse - Councillor Andy Dunbobbin
‘Members may recall that the Welsh Government has developed an e-learning package, to raise awareness of violence against women and domestic abuse. All staff are undertaking this e-learning, which we applaud.
The package had been adapted to be available to Members. It would show our support for this worthy initiative if all Members were to do this training, which only takes about 40 minutes.
Can we all commit to giving 40 minutes to acquiring learning which may help all of us to deal more effectively with such issues which we may encounter in our wards?’
The Chair suggested that a video on domestic abuse, previously shown at an Overview & Scrutiny Committee, be shared with all Members.
The Motion was seconded by Councillor White who, as an ambassador for the White Ribbon campaign, spoke in support of highlighting this important issue. He shared a colleague’s suggestion that Members could undertake the training at the same time whilst accommodating the Chair’s suggestion.
As Vice-Chair of the Domestic Abuse Safety Unit for Deeside, Councillor Bithell commended the Council’s work in supporting the White Ribbon campaign. He said that Members would be given instructions on accessing the e-learning package and he spoke in favour of the suggestion made by Councillor White.
In welcoming this, Councillor Brown suggested that the training session link to the Domestic Abuse Safety Unit (DASU) Freedom Programme.
The Chief Executive said that all the suggestions would be incorporated to provide Member training sessions.
Following a comment by Councillor Butler, it was noted that the training would be relevant to male as well as female victims of violence and domestic abuse.
On being put to the vote, the Motion was carried.
(ii) First Aid Training in Schools - Councillor Kevin Hughes
‘This Council calls upon Welsh Government (WG) to make First Aid, including CPR and defibrillator training, compulsory as part of the new curriculum. Further, schools are provided with the required funding to ensure the training can be delivered.’
In providing background information, Councillor Hughes explained that First Aid training was to become compulsory in all schools in England from September 2020 following Lord Kerslake’s inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing. Whilst primary schools in England would provide basic training, secondary learners would receive life-saving skills including the use of a defibrillator. In Scotland, a similar commitment had been made to teach life-saving skills in schools. This aligned to the aim of the Red Cross and other charities which had been campaigning for First Aid training to be included in the curriculum across all schools.
Speaking in support of his Motion, Councillor Hughes paid tribute to the performance of Education Services in Flintshire despite the significant pressures. Whilst First Aid training was already provided in some schools, it was not compulsory in all schools and would only require a half or full day each year. Providing pupils with these important skills would not only benefit those individuals but also increase the number of people able to use the defibrillators installed across the County.
Councillor Peers supported the intention of the Motion but said it was important to allow pupils the choice of whether they wished to participate in the training. This view was shared by Councillor Ellis.
Councillor Richard Jones proposed an amendment that the Motion refer to promoting life skills such as coping with stress and financial issues, in alignment with the aim of the Welsh Youth Parliament.
Councillor Brown spoke about the work of the Oliver King Foundation on defibrillator installation and training in schools across Merseyside and in Penarlag.
As Leader and Cabinet Member for Education & Youth, Councillor Roberts thanked Councillor Hughes for his Notice of Motion and said that curriculum design for the ‘Health and Well-being area of learning and experience’ in the Curriculum for Wales 2022 should be flexible to respond to a diverse range of changing needs by placing the voice of the learner at the centre of planning. He said there was a large range of topics for schools to consider in developing such a curriculum including First Aid and life-saving skills.
Councillor Roberts said that the Council was working to encourage schools to register their defibrillators with the Ambulance Service and to participate in a range of initiatives including the St John’s Ambulance online First Aid resources and lesson plans. In acknowledging the positive work being undertaken, he urged Members to support the Motion to agree that WG be requested to make First Aid, including CPR and defibrillator training, compulsory as part of the new curriculum. He spoke about the positive impact on learners themselves and suggested that the Red Cross and St John’s Ambulance could be involved. In response to the point raised by Councillor Jones, he said that some schools in Flintshire were already teaching life issues such as financial planning.
A number of Members spoke in support of the Motion including Councillor Cunningham who highlighted the work of St John’s Ambulance and Councillor McGuill who seconded the Motion.
In response to the points raised by Councillors Peers and Ellis, Councillor Hughes clarified that the Motion called for the training to be made ‘compulsory as part of the new curriculum’ rather than compulsory for every pupil. On Councillor Jones’ proposal, he referred to the Leader’s comments acknowledging that training on life skills had already been introduced in some schools.
Councillor Tudor Jones commended Councillor Hughes for his Motion which would enable flexibility for those pupils for whom the training may not be appropriate. He made the point that if implementing the changes, WG should properly fund it in recognition of the benefits to the Health Service. He went on to thank volunteers who had undertaken First Responder training.
Following his earlier comments, Councillor Peers thanked Councillor Hughes for the clarification on the wording of his Motion which he supported on that basis.
Having been moved and seconded, the Motion was put to the vote and carried.
(a) That the Notice of Motion from Councillor Dunbobbin on the e-learning package to raise awareness of domestic abuse be supported, together with the proposal for Member training sessions to incorporate the points raised; and
(b) That the Notice of Motion from Councillor Hughes on First Aid in schools be supported.
Supporting documents: