Agenda item

Annual Performance Report 2018/19

To receive feedback from the Participation Groups.


That the 2018/19 Annual Performance Report be approved, as recommended by Cabinet, with the inclusion of a hyperlink on the performance data summary.


The Chief Executive introduced the report to endorse the 2018/19 Annual Performance Report to achieve publication by the deadline.  This was a statutory report providing a retrospective overview of performance against priorities in the 2018/19 Council Plan and assessment of the Council’s objectives in accordance with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.


The Corporate Business & Communications Executive Officer gave a presentation covering the following:


·         Format and content

·         Performance Overview 2018/19

·         Progress Overview

·         Highlights

·         Areas for Improvement

·         Well-being of Future Generations

·         Performance Overview

·         Summary Overview

·         Next Steps


Amongst the range of achievements under each theme were the Council house building programme, national recognition of the Progress for Providers project, high waste recycling rates and achievement of planned efficiencies.  Areas identified for improvement were being incorporated into the Council Plan for 2019/20 including reducing the number of days to complete Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) on which progress was already being made.


The Chief Executive said that the slight dip in performance against national rankings would continue to be monitored and that strong endorsement by the three statutory regulatory bodies since the timing of the report should provide assurance.  He spoke about future legislative changes which provided for more flexibility in performance reporting and reminded Members that recurring issues of specific interest in the Council Plan should be submitted on to Overview & Scrutiny Forward Work Programmes.


On achievements in Holywell, Councillor Palmer spoke about positive joint working with businesses on the re-opening of the High Street and the success of Holywell Leisure Centre on which he thanked Councillor Tudor Jones.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) agreed to provide a separate response to Councillor Carver’s question on the number of landlords/letting agents not complying with Rent Smart Wales regulations.  He agreed to speak with him outside the meeting regarding concerns about a House of Multiple Occupation and said that the main priority of the Environmental Health team was enforcing housing and planning conditions legislation to ensure adequate living conditions.


In response to a question from Councillor Ellis, it was explained that the areas for improvement related to performance and that high-risk areas would continue to be monitored.  Some risk may remain on residential care provision after completion of work on Marleyfield House, depending on demand levels.  Delayed transfer of care was a continued risk and was unlikely to improve to Green.


Councillor Richard Jones asked whether the risk status on debt levels due to Universal Credit should be lowered in view of the commentary.  The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) advised that this should remain a Red risk to allow time for mitigation measures to take effect and that it be kept under review.  On infrastructure investment, Councillor Jones asked how the Deeside Plan affected the transport strategy for Flintshire.  The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) explained that the initial scope of the Deeside Plan had been widened to become the Flintshire Integrated Transport Strategy linking all modes of transport across the County.  A report would be submitted to the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee in December.


In praising the report, Councillor Tudor Jones paid tribute to the Council’s approach in tackling homelessness and asked about involvement by local Members.  The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) spoke about the work of the dedicated Outreach Worker who was engaging with homeless people across Flintshire.  He said it should be acknowledged that it was the choice of individuals whether to accept that support and that efforts to engage would continue.  Members were encouraged to download the ‘Streetlink’ app to their mobile phones to help identify individuals who were sleeping rough and assist in targeting resources accordingly.  The Chair asked that details of the app be shared with Town and Community Councils.


Councillor Paul Johnson said that areas for improvement were inevitable and he paid tribute to the quality of the workforce for their contributions on performance.


In welcoming the report, Councillor Peers said that the risk on affordable housing supply should incorporate private sector provision through the planning process.  He asked that the charts showing performance against Public Accountability Measures be accompanied by the data (shown later in the report).  The Chief Executive said that a hyperlink would be inserted in the published document.  In response to further questions, the risk to Council Tax collection rates would remain a pressure particularly due to changes to legal powers.  On the replacement street lighting programme, the Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) advised that currently the vast majority had been replaced with LED lights, achieving significant savings on energy costs and repairs.  A report on the new policy would be shared with the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Carolyn Thomas commended the Council and officers for the achievements despite ongoing funding cuts and efficiencies, and she highlighted the improvements carried out on highways with funding from Welsh Government.


In moving the recommendation in the report, Councillor Ian Roberts said that some of the areas identified for improvement were challenging due to external factors.  He commended the aim to further improve recycling rates on which Flintshire was already a high performer and took the opportunity to thank members of the public who had participated in the recent survey.  He said that in acknowledging the need to improve performance on DFGs, the revised policy had been agreed by Cabinet earlier in the day.  He thanked the officer and her team for the report and endorsed the comments made on the contributions of employees.


Councillor Mullin seconded the proposal.  On being put to the vote, this was carried.




That the 2018/19 Annual Performance Report be approved, as recommended by Cabinet, with the inclusion of a hyperlink on the performance data summary.

Supporting documents: