Agenda item

Renewal of Outline Planning Permission 045547 to Allow the Erection of a Dwelling at Land Side of Talossamme, Abbotts Lane, Penyffordd (049792)



That planning permission be granted subject to the:-


(a)       conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning;


(b)       removal of conditions 8 and 9 and the introduction of a new condition 8 as detailed in the late observations;


(c)        inclusion of condition 5 from application 049790 – agenda item 3 (foul flows only permitted to discharge to the 150 mm public combined sewer in Abbotts Lane); and


(d)       inclusion of a condition for screening.



The Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning in respect of this application which had been the subject of a site visit on 3rd September 2012.  The usual consultations had been undertaken and the responses received detailed in the report.  Additional comments received since the preparation of the report were circulated at the meeting. 


The officer detailed the background to the report and drew Members’ attention to the late observations sheet and the changes to the recommendation.  Planning permission had been granted on appeal in 2009 and as the circumstances had not significantly changed, the recommendation was for approval of renewal of the outline permission.  The inspector at the appeal had requested that the dwelling be single storey and Welsh Water, the Environment Agency and the Inspector had not raised any concerns about drainage. 


Mr. D. Owen spoke against the application.  He said that the application did not comply with the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) and that it was an extreme case of tandem development.  The reduction in the garden space would diminish the amenity of neighbouring properties and the building of the four bedroom dwelling would exacerbate the drainage problems.  He felt that the proposal would only benefit the applicant and urged the Committee to support the UDP and refuse the application. 


Mr. N. Price, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  He said that the application had been granted on appeal in 2009 and that as nothing had changed since then, that the application should be approved today.  There had been problems with sewerage in the past but referred to correspondence from Welsh Water which indicated that they had no objections to the foul flow going into the public sewer.  The width of the driveway was adequate for use by emergency vehicles and he hoped that the Committee would approve the application. 


Councillor P.G. Heesom proposed the officer’s recommendation for approval with additional condition which was duly seconded.  The additional condition suggested was for an adequate screening scheme so that the dwelling would not be overbearing on neighbouring properties. 


The local Member, Councillor C. Hinds, spoke against the application.  She said that the previous application had been refused by Committee but had been overturned by the Inspector, which she felt was an insult to those who had backed the refusal.  She felt that the proposal was not in keeping with the other properties in the area.  The owners of Graigwen were not able to use their front door during periods of heavy rain so the access from their property would be onto the driveway for the proposed new dwelling, which she felt would be dangerous.  She raised concerns about the drainage issues and said that she had evidence that there were significant problems with sewerage around the development site which had been ongoing for a number of years.  Councillor Hinds asked that the application be deferred to allow for the completion of remedial works in the area by Welsh Water before the work on the development could be commenced. 


The Head of Planning reminded Members that some of the comments by Councillor Hinds related to the next application on the agenda for the same site and that those should not be considered in their determination of this application. 


Councillor M.J. Peers said that he was mindful of the decision by the Inspector and that the only option open to Members was to approve the renewal with the stated conditions to lessen the impact on neighbouring residents.  Councillor R.B. Jones suggested that condition 5 from application 049790 – agenda item 6.3 (foul flows only permitted to discharge to the 150 mm public combined sewer in Abbotts Lane) be included on this application. 


In response to comments made, the officer confirmed that the proposed additional condition could be included on this application, that soakaways would be in place for the surface water and that a condition could also be included for screening.  Councillor Heesom asked that the local Members be consulted over the wording of the proposed conditions.    





That planning permission be granted subject to the:-


(a)       conditions detailed in the report of the Head of Planning;


(b)       removal of conditions 8 and 9 and the introduction of a new condition 8 as detailed in the late observations;


(c)        inclusion of condition 5 from application 049790 – agenda item 3 (foul flows only permitted to discharge to the 150 mm public combined sewer in Abbotts Lane); and


(d)       inclusion of a condition for screening.


Supporting documents: