Agenda item

Waste Strategy Review Consultation


(a)       That the Council’s current recycling performance be noted; and


(b)       That the feedback on the points raised within the consultation programme and questionnaire be noted.


Prior to the consideration of the report The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside wanted to advise the Committee that Flintshire were performing well on recycling and ahead of targets being the third best in Wales and Wales being the third best in the world.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) gave background to the report and asked the Committee for their feedback on the 6 week consultation on recycling which he would come back with the results once completed.  He introduced the Service Delivery Manager who reported on the following


·                     Recycling Targets and Performance

·                     The need to Review Recycling Targets

·                     Review of Current Waste Strategy


            The Chairman questioned why the consultation period was so short being only six weeks long.  The Service Delivery Manager stated that nearly 7,805 responses had already been received and that the consultation didn’t end until 31st October.  The electronic survey would do the majority of the analysis but over 2,000 individual comments would need to be gone through.


            Questions were asked about the disposal of nappies.  The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) said that this was being looked into and that Welsh Government (WG) were investing in a North Wales recycling plant for nappies but for the short term they were still to be taken to Parc Adfer.


           Concerns were raised about residual waste.  The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside commented that on the whole residual waste had reduced due to the increase in side waste enforcement.  The Service Delivery Manager added that residual waste would be collected and a sticker would be put on the bin to indicate that it had been taken but side waste should not be presented.  This would be followed up by a letter and an FPN for further offences.  Councillor Hutchinson questioned why it was not taken as he saw it as people being responsible for waste but he was advised that usually the black bag had recyclable items in it.


The size of bins and frequency of collection was also raised.  Councillor Hardcastle commented that older people would not be able to manage bigger bins while Councillor Dolphin suggested that if bins were smaller it might force people to recycle more.  Bins would need to be bigger if collections changed to 3-4 weeks.


Councillor Bibby reported that most residents were good at recycling and that the WG should enforce manufacturers to use recyclable or bio degradable packaging.  He also stated that recycling receptacles and bags were sometimes hard to get hold of.  He did not support 3-4 weekly collections and that focus should be on encouraging people to recycle more.


Other members were in support of lobbying WG and the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside said that the Government were looking into new legislation around producer responsibility.


In response to a question raised by Councillor Allport, the Service Delivery Manager confirmed that they were no longer using the company that supplied the stickers for the brown bins and that they were looking at a tag system as these could be less easily removed and were more robust.


Councillor Hughes raised a concern about the of lack of space for bins by terraced houses due to their close proximity and that side waste could not be easily identified to a particular house. The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) advised that a lot of work was taking place with regard to communal pick up areas, including having cameras installed in some areas.


            Councillor Evans suggested that door to door consultations take place in problem areas and questioned why consultations in the Connect Centres and Libraries were only during the day. 


            The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) was in agreement and said that Officers would engage with residents in problem areas. He also agreed that consultation events needed to be held at different times to suit residents.


            The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Sean Bibby and seconded by Councillor Paul Shotton.




(a)       That the Council’s current recycling performance be noted; and


(b)       That the feedback on the points raised within the consultation programme and questionnaire be noted.

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