Agenda item
Council Plan 2019/20 – Mid Year Monitoring
- Meeting of Special meeting, Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Friday, 22nd November, 2019 11.00 am (Item 35.)
- View the background to item 35.
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That the Committee support the on-going work being taken to request additional funds from Welsh Government (WG) to address the repairs and maintenance backlog.
The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) presented a summary of progress on performance within the Council Plan at the mid-year point of 2019/20, relevant to the Education & Youth Overview & Scrutiny Committee. The report was an exception-based report and concentrated on areas of under-performance, with the Chief Officer providing a detailed update on the following areas:-
· Access to sanitary products in schools; and
· Limited funding to address the backlog of known repair and maintenance works in Education & Youth Assets
Welsh Government (WG) had announced additional funding to provide re-usable sanitary products, and therefore a change was needed during the procurement process. This had been addressed and it was anticipated that the target would be met by the end of the year. The Committee were aware from previous discussions of the risks associated with the reduction on funding to schools and the impact this had on the repairs and maintenance budget. Representation were being made by the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Education and the Senior Manager, School Planning & Provision for additional funding to be provided to Local Authorities to address repairs and maintenance in school buildings.
Councillor Heesom questioned why sections of the Ambitious Council theme of the Council Plan was being reported to this Committee. In response, the Chief Officer advised that during the review of the Council Plan for 2019/20 it was felt that the 21st Century Schools Programme should sit within the Ambitious Council theme and therefore would continue to be reported to this committee. The creation of a single joint Archives Service between Flintshire and Denbighshire County Council, as presented to the Committee at its last meeting, also sat within the Ambitious Council theme.
Councillor Dave Mackie referred to the action for teaching staff receiving quality professional development through the self-evaluation system which was showing a ‘yellow’ RAG status and asked why this status was ‘yellow’ and whether a progress update could be provided. In response the Chief Officer reminded the Committee of the introduction of the new National Curriculum for Wales which would be implemented by 2022 and explained that the action to support teaching staff remained a risk to ensure the standards at schools were protected. GwE had been provided the majority of the training and all Flintshire schools had responded positively and were progressing well with training through shared working. It was suggested that an update report be provided to the Committee towards the end of the summer term to highlight what work had been undertaken.
Councillor Mackie also suggested the following changes the actions and risks shown within the appendices of the report:-
- (CP) Policy change agreed by quarter one and implementation of a revised and sustainable policy – action title needs to be clearer;
- (CP) Measured performance using new and meaningful performance measure – action and comment needs to be clearer; and
- ST214 Failure to obtain grant funding – risk title needs to be clearer.
It was agreed that the Facilitator provide this feedback to the Performance Team following the meeting.
In response to a suggestion from Councillor Mackie, it was agreed that a letter of congratulation be sent to Gail Bennett, Early Intervention Service Manager, on the work being undertaken to exceed the target set for the number of children who accessed the Childcare offer.
Councillor Kevin Hughes referred to the access to sanitary products and said that following a conversation with the Learning Advisor, Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding, he was confident that the target would be met by the end of the year. The Chief Officer advised that all secondary schools had received products which were available to young people. Local food banks and youth clubs would also soon be receiving products which would be available to young people to access.
The recommendation within the report, together with the following additional recommendation was proposed by Councillor Kevin Hughes and seconded by Mr, David Hytch:-
· That the Committee support the on-going work being taken to request additional funds from Welsh Government (WG) to address the repairs and maintenance backlog.
(a) That the report be noted; and
(b) That the Committee support the on-going work being taken to request additional funds from Welsh Government (WG) to address the repairs and maintenance backlog.
Supporting documents:
- Council Plan 2019/20 – Mid Year Monitoring, item 35. PDF 294 KB
- Appendix 1 – Mid-Year Council Plan Monitoring Report – Learning Council, item 35. PDF 678 KB
- Appendix 2 – Mid-Year Council Plan Monitoring Report – Caring Council, item 35. PDF 662 KB
- Appendix 3 – Mid-Year Council Plan Monitoring Report – Ambitious Council, item 35. PDF 627 KB