Agenda item

Supporting Living Framework and Commissioning of Services


As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Jones introduced the report and explained that an electronic procurement exercise had been undertaken by Denbighshire County Council with the purpose of introducing a North Wales Supported Living Framework.


            By adopting the Framework, it would enable Flintshire to commission its supported living services when they came up for renewal, effectively and efficiently whilst ensuring consistency and quality of provision across North Wales.


            The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that Social Services currently had three supported living services that required commissioning/re-commissioning and it was proposed that the new North Wales Support Living Framework (call off contract) be utilised to tender and select a new provider.


            To meet Contract Procedure Rules for the Council, approval from Cabinet was required to progress with the tender and award the contracts.


            As Chair of Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor McGuill asked the following questions, with the answers shown provided in response prior to the meeting:


Q - Clarification requested regarding the length of these contracts 35 providers in all - I couldn’t see a length does this mean they are open ended?

A - They are open ended contracts to ensure continuity of care for the most vulnerable.  As with all contracts, the quality of the service delivery is constantly monitored by the contracts and commissioning team and any issues will be addressed.


Q - No mention of who is responsible for providing protective clothing for those employed who might find themselves needing to use it in client’s homes etc.

A - Regulated providers have a responsibility to provide PPE for staff use, this will form part of their Health & Safety Policy.  During the pandemic, as Social Care Providers, they would receive the Welsh Government provision of PPE through NHS Shared Services, this is used to supplement their usual order of stock.


Q - There also doesn’t seem to be a ‘time by’ stated when we have to be informed of any change of circumstances of the service user i.e.; hospitalisation - how long before we are informed so payment can be reduced etc. - same with death.

A - There is a clause within the Supported Living Framework call off contract that enables a temporary planned or unplanned suspension of the Service, which may occur due to: hospitalisation, absence, pre-planned absence or death. In the event of a temporary suspension of the Service, the Provider and the Commissioner shall follow the process as set out in Schedule 6 Variation and Termination.


Q - Lastly can we ensure that the service user has a photo of all staff who they come into contact with on the pen portrait file?

A - As part of any SL commissioning/ re-commissioning there is a robust processes for ensuring individuals are familiar with the staff that are supporting them. In recognition to the importance of individuals getting to know people who support them, the contract includes a staff matching tool and a template for staff one page profile. Due to the positive impact that Progress for Providers has had in the older peoples residential and domiciliary services, Social Services is looking to roll this out into learning disability services over the next 12 months, with a bespoke process for learning disability residential. In addition, all new contracts incorporate a transition period giving individuals and their families’ opportunities to get to know their new support team (6-8 week period of visits and familiarisation with service delivery). In some service settings staff pictures are used in order to communicate with individuals who their staff team for that day will be.




(a)       That approval be given to adopt the North Wales Support Living Framework for all future supported living commissioning exercises; and


(b)       that the proposal to re-commissioning the 3 supported living propertied detailed in the report, as per the Contract Procedure Rules that required Cabinet approval for the award of contracts with a value over £2M be approved.

Supporting documents: