Agenda item
Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract
- Meeting of Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 21st January, 2021 10.00 am (Item 27.)
- View the background to item 27.
(a) That the Committee thank officers for the report and congratulate Flintshire Social Services for developing the much needed Young Carers Support Service;
(b) That the Committee further commends NEWCIS for setting up the Flintshire Young Carers Support Service and for performing above the expectations in the service contract and delivery outcomes, and for developing the Young Carers ID Card;
(c) That funding for the Young Carers Support Service be reviewed in 12 months; and
(d) That the Committee propose that a press release be issued regarding the Young Carers – NEWCIS contract.
The Chair commented on the excellent standard of the report which was submitted to the Committee for consideration.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report and provided background information. He invited the Planning and Development Officer and Chief Executive Officer of NEWCIS to present the report.
The Planning and Development Officer advised that the Social Services Well-being Act had introduced significant and positive changes for both unpaid adult and young carers which had resulted in an opportunity to review the Young Carers service contract which ended in March last year. Four young carers had been part of the tendering process by supporting officers as equal partners. This included shaping the service, choosing questions and interviewing prospective service providers which had resulted in NEWCIS being awarded the contract.
Referring to the New Young Carers ID Card she advised that the new card would build on the foundations of the A2A card previously adopted by Flintshire. She added that Flintshire had decided to take a regional approach to the development of the national Young Carers ID Card, working with Conwy, Denbighshire and Wrexham Councils and the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. A communication plan was being worked on collectively with partners including the launch of the new card and potentially involving high profile celebrities currently planned for the 16 March 2021 to mark Young Carers Awareness day.
The Chief Executive of NEWCIS expressed her delight at acquiring the contract in July last year. Whilst Covid 19 restrictions were not factored in whilst drawing up the tender, it had not stopped progress, and had encouraged more innovation in service delivery with virtual meetings due to restrictions on face to face meeting opportunities. Going forward it was expected that there would be a mix of virtual and physical interaction. She added that the service was extremely busy and working with young carers was proving to be very positive for NEWCIS staff, whilst recognising there had been a few difficult cases. She referred to the significant rise in participants both in the under 18 and 18-25 age groups. Going forward, she was confident that NEWCIS would continue to provide a good service and referred to good regional links with Credu who provide young carer services for other local authority areas and cited Wrexham and Denbighshire as examples. The Chief Executive Officer was particularly pleased to report that in December a young carer had been employed by NEWCIS and funding had been made available to support a young carer to start his own business. She commented on the enthusiasm of the young people despite the ongoing challenges of the current pandemic.
The Chair referred to section 1.11 of the report which stated that 201 new referrals had been received between July and September 2020. The Chief Executive Officer explained this was mainly due to publicity in partnership with social services and through the development of a more robust social media presence. She added that the power of social media had allowed the Service to engage with many more young people.
Councillor Dave Mackie spoke in support of the innovative work being taken forward by NEWCIS which further demonstrated the new initiatives to service delivery and continuous improvement within the Social Services department working in partnership.
Councillor Mackie referred to the A2A card which had been developed following discussions at the Children’s Services Forum. He welcomed the development of the Young Carers ID card and the drawing on the learning and experience from the A2A card and agreed that publicity had been an issue. He drew attention to the case studies on page 67 of the report which brought home the importance of the service and encouraged everyone to read them.
Councillor Gladys Healey welcomed the report and commented on the importance of rewards to show appreciation to young carers and cited provision of skateboards and ‘goody’ bags as examples. She emphasised that young carers saved the Council a large sum of money by providing unpaid care.
Councillor Carol Ellis felt that the achievements gained in such a short space of time were to be commended. She referred to page 45 of the report and the contract value agreed by all partners for the duration of the 3 year period of a maximum of £71,000 per annum. She asked for a breakdown of contributions and questioned whether the budget was sufficient given the large increase in demand as a result of awareness raising. She also referred to section 3.02 of the report which outlined a potential risk to the service. Councillor Ellis suggested that the Committee should review the budget risk for the service in 12 months.
The Senior Manager – Children and Workforce acknowledged the points made by Councillor Ellis. He advised that the risk was being monitored by all partners and a collective response would be agreed if and when needed. He added that Flintshire had a very positive relationship with NEWCIS. The Planning and Development Officer confirmed that BCUHB gave a contribution of £9,000 per annum, Youth Services provided £20,000 per annum and the remainder was provided through the Social Services Carers Strategy funding.
In response to the earlier comments made by Councillor Mackie, the Planning and Development Officer referred to lessons learnt and the importance of ensuring teachers recognised the Young Carers ID card. She gave assurances that there would be a robust campaign before the launch as part of the local and regional communication plan. The Chair commented that an area of concern with the A2A card had been that some chemists did not accept the ID Card and refused to give the medication to the young carer for their parent. .
The Chief Executive recognised that this was a small project coming across to NEWCIS but they had been able to draw down additional funds and going forward she was confident there would be further funding opportunities for the service.
The Committee welcomed a suggestion from Councillor Paul Cunningham that a press release be issued through Corporate Communications to recognise the successes of the service.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor David Mackie and seconded by Councillor Mike Lowe.
(a) That the Committee thank officers for the report and congratulate Flintshire Social Services for developing the much needed Young Carers Support Service;
(b) That the Committee further commends NEWCIS for setting up the Flintshire Young Carers Support Service and for performing above the expectations in the service contract and delivery outcomes, and for developing the Young Carers ID Card;
(c) That funding for the Young Carers Support Service be reviewed in 12 months; and
(d) That the Committee propose that a press release be issued regarding the Young Carers – NEWCIS contract.
Supporting documents:
- Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract, item 27. PDF 144 KB
- Enc. 1 for Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract, item 27. PDF 134 KB
- Enc. 2 for Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract, item 27. PDF 83 KB
- Enc. 3 for Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract, item 27. PDF 76 KB
- Enc. 4 for Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract, item 27. PDF 85 KB
- Enc. 5 for Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract, item 27. PDF 6 MB
- Enc. 6 for Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract, item 27. PDF 12 MB