Agenda item

Council Fund Revenue Budget 2021/22


That the Committee supports the six recommendations which are contained in the Cabinet report.


The Chief Executive invited observations on the Cabinet report and its recommendations for the County Council to set a legal and balanced budget for 2021/22 on at its meeting on 16 February 2021.  Any feedback would be reported to Cabinet as part of that process.


The recommendations were to set a legal and balanced budget based on the existing Provisional Local Government Settlement, with a lower minimum budget requirement as there was no provision within the UK Government budget statement for any public sector annual pay awards.  This remained an open risk on which the Council would continue to make representations for financial support.  As well as protecting services, the proposed budget would provide an uplift in funding for education and schools to help with the declining position on licensed school deficits in secondary schools and additional service demands in Additional Learnings Needs (ALN).  The proposed Council Tax increase of 3.95% (for the County Council element) met with expectations to keep the rise to an affordable level and below 5%.


The Corporate Finance Manager provided an overview of the main changes to the budget position since last reported, taking into account the latest information on grant funding from Welsh Government (WG) as set out in the report.


In support of the recommendations, Councillor Roberts spoke about the increasing pressures and demands on Council services and the impact from the emergency situation on the Council and residents.  He reminded Members of the corporate efficiencies that had been achieved and that no further efficiencies had been identified through consultation with Overview & Scrutiny committees.


Also speaking in support, Councillor Banks said that despite an additional amount set aside, pressures in Out of County Placements remained an ongoing risk on which the Council was exploring longer term solutions.


In response to comments from Councillors Shotton and Dunbobbin about the need for a review of the national local government funding formula, the Chief Executive said that representations had been made in the Council’s response to the Provisional Local Government Settlement.


Councillor Jones reiterated the need for a national solution to address ongoing escalating pressures on Out of County Placements.  Councillor Roberts agreed and said that the Council continued to lobby on this matter.  He shared Councillor Jones’ concerns about the impact of the funding formula upon Council Tax levels.  Officers responded to questions on pressures in Central and Corporate and unrealised efficiencies in the Governance portfolio.  Officers confirmed that an update on grant funding would be shared with Members when the Final Local Government Settlement was received in March.


Councillor Jones proposed that the recommendations be supported and was seconded by Councillor Collett.




That the Committee supports the six recommendations which are contained in the Cabinet report.

Supporting documents: