Agenda item
Recovery Strategy (Planning, Environment & Economy Portfolio)
- Meeting of Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday, 9th March, 2021 10.00 am (Item 51.)
- View the background to item 51.
(a) That the Committee gave oversight to the progress made with respect to recovery planning for the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio.
(b) That the Committee noted the content of the updated portfolio risk register and mitigation actions
The report was presented by the Chief Officer (Planning Environment & Economy) and provided a regular update on the portfolio’s recovery strategy and recovery priorities following the pandemic. The main objectives within the report were highlighted which included car parks at destination sites such as Wepre Park and Talacre and the implications with regard to non-essential businesses and licensed premises and hospitality reopening. The Chief Officer referred to the Ash Dieback survey and reported on the tree removal on the A541 Mold - Denbigh Road with the road being closed for a day using equipment which removes trees in one go and minimises disruption to the local communities and that a report would be returning to committee on this. The Chief Officer then highlighted and provided information on the risks to committee.
Councillor Heesom referred to item 1.01 in the report and asked what handover arrangements meant. Councillor Heesom then referred to the Planning Strategy Group which he felt was a very important toolkit, elected member based and suggested in the current climate it would be helpful to revise that structure. He then referred to the Local Development Plan and asked for an update on where we were with this and could it now go ahead. Councillor Heesom reported on the long standing difficulties contacting planning staff with news on improvements very welcome.
In response, the Chief Officer referred to page 69 and that the Local Development Plan hearing which was due to commence in February but had had two delays but was now scheduled to start on 13th April. The delays were solely due to the Inspectorate’s non availability. The Chief Officer then referred to the terms of reference of the Planning Strategy Group which were revised following the last local government elections. The two functions of this group were firstly, to lead the production of the Local Development Plan and secondly to deal with any issues in relation of the statutory planning process. The Terms of Reference had not changed over the last four years. What had changed was that the focus was primarily on dealing with the Local Development Plan and he felt it had spent its time appropriately since the terms of reference were revised. With regard to communications with the Planning portfolio, he reported on an email which was being sent to all Members this week which he hoped would alleviate members concerns. The Chief Officer then referred to the handover arrangements for recovery and stated that 12 months ago when the Covid lockdown happened the Council was in a response phase with critical areas prioritised with those officers essential to service delivery. He reported on officers within Community and Business protection who were moved to supporting the Covid response, but clarified that none of the other work ceased rather it was a case of changing the way the work was undertaken in response to Covid 19. The Chief Officer then referred to the point regarding difficulties in recruiting staff which was in relation to Environment Health Officers and that there had been no difficulties in recruiting any other members of staff.
The recommendations was moved and seconded by Councillors by Joe Johnson seconded Owen Thomas with Councillor Heesom abstaining.
(a) That the Committee gave oversight to the progress made with respect to recovery planning for the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio.
(b) That the Committee noted the content of the updated portfolio risk register and mitigation actions.
Supporting documents:
- Recovery Strategy (Planning, Environment & Economy Portfolio), item 51. PDF 110 KB
- Enc. 1 - Risk register, item 51. PDF 152 KB
- Enc. 2 - Mitigating actions, item 51. PDF 138 KB