Agenda item

Joint funded care packages


That the Committee:


(a)          Notes the robust and proactive budget management approach that the Council takes on joint funded care packages;


(b)          Welcomes the plan to introduce a Continuing Health Care Monitoring Officer post supported by ‘Invest to Save’ corporate funding;


(c)          Seeks an understanding of the amount of money lost to the Council over a reasonable amount of time and the reduced contribution of £0.133K reported in March; and


(d)          Suggests to the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board that their Audit Committee should review this situation.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) and Senior Manager (Safeguarding and Commissioning) presented a report on the processes for agreeing joint funded care packages between Health and Social Care, following Members’ concerns about the implications of the lesser contribution by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB).  The report had been well received by the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


The report set out the challenges involved in this complex issue and the need to maintain close working relationships with BCUHB colleagues to agree the most appropriate Continuing Health Care (CHC) package for an individual.  Eligibility criteria for the delivery of these services was set out in the national framework document (appended to the report) which was currently under review by Welsh Government.  An update was given on the current outstanding debt owed by BCUHB.


In thanking officers for the detailed report, Councillor Richard Jones said that this did not address his original question about the reduced contribution of £0.133K from BCUHB for a Disability Service package reported in March.


The Chief Officer said that the process for managing disputed cases would benefit from the agreed appointment of a dedicated CHC Monitoring Officer for the Council.  He gave assurance that disputed cases were appealed and challenged, and agreed to provide information on the specific case referred to by Councillor Jones.


The Chief Executive referenced CHC as a highly contested area wherein the creation of the new role would increase capacity.  On Councillor Jones’ question, he suggested that the amount may have been an indicative figure which was not achieved and that detailed analysis would be shared with the Committee privately to avoid open discussion on a particular case.


Councillor Jones asked that the information include the amount of money lost each year compared with what had been projected.  Due to the resources required to collate this information, he asked that the analysis apply to a period of time which could be reasonably accommodated by the team.


Councillor Ian Roberts gave assurance of robust discussions with BCUHB on a number of occasions to resolve case disputes.


The Chief Executive said that whilst funding was eventually received from BCHUB for undisputed cases, an additional resolution should be that the level of ongoing debt with BCUHB was an unacceptable practice in need of further improvement - as recognised by the Governance & Audit Committee.


The recommendations, which were revised to reflect the debate, were moved and seconded by Councillors Richard Jones and Patrick Heesom.


The Chairman was given clarification on the dispute resolution process.  He thanked the Chief Officer and Senior Manager for their attendance.




That the Committee:


(a)          Notes the robust and proactive budget management approach that the Council takes on joint funded care packages;


(b)          Welcomes the plan to introduce a Continuing Health Care Monitoring Officer post supported by ‘Invest to Save’ corporate funding;


(c)          Seeks an understanding of the amount of money lost to the Council over a reasonable amount of time and the reduced contribution of £0.133K reported in March; and


(d)          Suggests to the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board that their Audit Committee should review this situation.

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