Agenda item
Social Services Portfolio Recovery Business Plan
- Meeting of Recovery Committee, Thursday, 15th July, 2021 10.00 am (Item 17.)
- View the background to item 17.
To review the Recovery Business Plan for the
Social Services Portfolio.
(a) That the Social Services Portfolio Recovery Business Plan content be noted;
(b) That the Committee is assured by the Social Services Portfolio Recovery Business Plan;
(c) That the following risk areas highlighted by the Senior Manager - Integrated Services and Lead Adultsbe referred to the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee:-
- Recruitment of staff to work in the sector, encompassing social work, occupational therapy and direct social work;
- The fragility of the market around Elderly Mentally Infirm (EMI) nursing and the recruitment of staff; and
- Funding and fees linked to market stability
(d) That the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee be asked to consider a report on the work of the Early Years and Flying Start programmes to address the impact the pandemic has had on babies and young children and what support was being provided to parents.
The Senior Manager – Integrated Services and Lead Adults presented the Recovery Business Plan for the Social Services portfolio. She advised that the recovery objectives, performance targets, risks and issues had been reviewed and updated, and she reported on the key considerations detailed in the report.
The Chairman asked the Senior Manager what she thought were the three most significant risks to service across the social services portfolio. The Senior Manage said the first risk was recruitment of a sufficient workforce and explained recruitment of staff was difficult in terms of social care work, occupational therapy and direct care work; the second risk was around the fragility of the market and specifically around Elderly Mentally Infirmed (EMI) nursing and care; and the third overall risk to the Council was funding and fees. The Senior Manager confirmed that all risks were included in the Corporate Risk Register.
Councillor Hilary McGuill asked that the Senior Manager pass on the Committee’s thanks to all staff for their work and dedication in caring for people throughout the pandemic. She asked how staff working in nursing homes would be fully vaccinated. The Senior Manager explained that there had been a good take up of the vaccination programme across the sector and most staff had received two jabs and there was known reasons and understanding for those staff who had received only one vaccination or none. The Council was encouraging people to have a vaccination but could not enforce the decision.
Councillor Paul Cunningham expressed concerns around a lack of capacity to cope with the increase in referrals to child and adult services promptly. The Senior Manager explained that the service was coping with current demand but work was ongoing across North Wales and with the Council’s own Human Resources Service on a recruitment programme and on how to retain existing and attract new staff.
Councillor Christine Jones expressed praise for all staff in Social Services for their hard work, care, and commitment throughout the pandemic. ..
The Chairman referred to the Social Services Business Plan and said risk
CW06 was closed in the Corporate Risk Register but was still being considered as a risk in the recovery objectives. The Senior Manager said she would provide a response to the Chairman following the meeting. The Chairman also commented on the effect of the pandemic on the sensory and emotional development of babies and young children. The Senior Manager explained that the Early Years service was looking at this and work was in progress to support parents through the Early Years and Flying Start programmes.
The Chairman suggested that the 3 specific risks identified by the Senior Manager be referred to the Overview & Scrutiny Committees and this was agreed by the Committee. It was also agreed that the impact of the pandemic on babies and young children be referred to the Social & Health Care Overview &Scrutiny Committee.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Sean Bibby and seconded by Councillor Marion Bateman.
(a) That the Social Services Portfolio Recovery Business Plan content be noted;
(b) That the Committee is assured by the Social Services Portfolio Recovery Business Plan;
(c) That the following risk areas highlighted by the Senior Manager - Integrated Services and Lead Adultsbe referred to the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee:-
- Recruitment of staff to work in the sector, encompassing social work, occupational therapy and direct social work;
- The fragility of the market around Elderly Mentally Infirm (EMI) nursing and the recruitment of staff; and
- Funding and fees linked to market stability
(d) That the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee be asked to consider a report on the work of the Early Years and Flying Start programmes to address the impact the pandemic has had on babies and young children and what support was being provided to parents.
Supporting documents: