Agenda item


To provide details of actions taken under delegated powers.


An information item on the actions taken under delegated powers was submitted.  The actions were as set out below:-


Housing and Assets


  • Council Housing Rent – Write Off Of Former Tenancy Arrears Following Eviction

Financial Procedure Rules (section 5.2) stipulates that individual bad and irrecoverable debts in excess of £5,000 are considered for write off in conjunction with the relevant Cabinet Member.  The decision to write off is in respect of two cases of unpaid rent in circumstances where the tenant abandoned the property during legal proceedings.  Following the steps taken, the former tenancy arrears in each case are considered to be irrecoverable and there is no prospect of securing payment.  The total amount of unpaid rent associated with the two cases is £15,586.85.


  • Emergency Bed Provision

The extension of homeless support services contract at the homeless hub.  The homeless hub has been a vital service during the COVID pandemic, housing some very challenging people who come through the homeless route and required accommodation and support.  During the pandemic the Welsh Government removed priority need and all people had to be accommodated.  Due to the extended nature of the pandemic and no immediate alternative location or service delivery model being available, a continuation of the current provision is necessary to ensure sustainability of housing and support services for our most vulnerable residents.


  • Council Rent – Application to Write Off Tenancy Arrears

Financial Procedure Rules (section 5.2) stipulates that individual bad and irrecoverable debts in excess of £5,000 are considered for write off in conjunction with the relevant Cabinet Member.  The decision to write off is in respect of one tenant who is subject to a Debt Relief Order (DRO).  Rent arrears on £5,758.79 are included in the order which are now irrecoverable as a result of the award of the order.


  • Housing Benefit

Request to write off Housing Benefit Overpayment of £11,222.41.


  • Housing Benefit

Request to write off Housing Benefit Overpayment of £16,484.59 for the period 11.11.13 – 11.07.21.


  • Housing Benefit

Request to write off Housing Benefit Overpayment of £6,394.69 and a DHP Overpayment of £987.85.


Corporate Finance


  • Council Tax Write Offs

Financial Procedure Rules (section 9.6 – Income and Expenditure) stipulate that any individual debt between the values of £5,000 and £25,000 shall be reported to the Corporate Finance Manager/Section 151 Officer for consideration to write off, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Management and Assets.  The schedule, which is summarised by the category of write off involve 3 Council Tax accounts totalling £18,607.97 where the overall debt for each individual is greater than £5,000 and all recovery options available to us have been taken.  The debts are deemed irrecoverable and therefore the write off of these debts is recommended.


  • Business Rates Write Offs

Financial Procedure Rules (section 9.6 – Income and Expenditure) stipulate that any individual debt between the values of £5,000 and £25,000 shall be reported to the Corporate Finance Manager/Section 151 Officer for consideration to write off, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Management and Assets.  The schedule, which is summarised by the category of write off involve 2 Business Rates accounts totalling £24,597.62 where the overall debt for each individual or company is greater than £5,000 and all recovery options available to us have been taken.  The debts are deemed irrecoverable and therefore the write off of these debts is recommended.


  • Business Rates Write Offs

Financial Procedure Rules requires the Corporate Finance Manager and the Cabinet Member for Corporate Management and Assets to write off debts between £5k and £25k.  The outstanding debt for 2010/11 and 2011/12 relates to historical Business Rates owed by J White and Sons Ltd, totalling £19,622.33.  The debt is now deemed irrecoverable and the ‘statue barred’ and a write off is considered necessary.


Social Services


  • Deed of Variation

The Council has entered into a contract with Hft to deliver Learning Disability Services on behalf of the Council.  A variation to this contract is required to:

  • Update the sites which the service operates from
  • Make provision for any future changes in service locations
  • Amend the provision for leases to permit, as an alternative ‘Tenancy at Will’ (in addition to standard Fixed Term Tenancies)


Streetscene and Transportation


  • The Flintshire County Council – Plymouth Street, Kingsway, Woodland Street, Queensway, Taliesin Avenue, Pippins Close, Griffiths Court, Garden Way, Mostyn Street, Gladstone Street, Llewellyn Street, Mill View Road, King George Street, Rowleys Drive, Health Street, Bridge Street, Henrietta Street, Rowden Street, Shotton Lane, Shotton.  Proposed Prohibition of Waiting, Prohibition of Waiting at any Time, No Stopping, Limited Waiting and Removal of Waiting at any Time.

To advise Members of the objections received following the advertisement of the proposed Prohibition of Waiting, Prohibition of Waiting At Any Time and Limited Waiting.  No stopping and removal of Waiting At Any Time on the roads as listed above.


  • The Flintshire County Council – (Various Roads) (20MPH, 30MPH, 40MPH, 50MPH Speed Limits and Derestricted Roads) Order 201-

To advise Members of the objections received following the advertisement of the proposed various roads (20MPH, 30MPH, 40MPH, 50MPH Speed Limits and Derestricted Roads) Order 201-


Education and Youth


  • Former Caretakers House, Ysgol Bryn Coch, Mold

To request that the former Caretaker’s house at Ysgol Bryn Coch, Mold be declared surplus to the requirements of the Education and Youth Service.

Supporting documents: