Agenda item

School Holiday Enrichment Programme Review


(a)       The Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the success and progress of the SHEP Programme; and


(b)       That a letter from the Committee be sent to the Welsh Government seeking confirmation of future funding for the SHEP and to raise concerns around retrospective funding.


The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) presented a report which provided an overview of the approach taken to deliver the School Holiday Enrichment Programme (SHEP) ‘Food and Fun’ during the holiday period.  This was the third year that the programme had been delivered in Flintshire and its most successful to date, reinforcing the positive impact strong partnership working could have within communities. 


            The Learning Advisor reported that the SHEP programme was delivered across Wales using a partnership approach involving schools, health professionals, local authorities and community sports staff.  In Flintshire, this consisted of Aura Leisure, NEWydd Catering and BCUHB Dieticians, all coordinated by the Healthy Schools team.  


            The Chairman welcomed Mr. Alex Jones (PE Teacher at Connah’s Quay High School).  Mr. Alex Jones introduced himself to Committee and provided an overview of his teaching role at Connah’s Quay High School.  The school felt that because of the pandemic, vulnerable pupils would struggle with the transition to high school and that taking part in the programme would provide an opportunity for the school to work with primary schools to identify those children who would benefit from the SHEP.  Mr. Alex Jones gave a presentation which covered the following areas:-


  • SHEP Timetable

·         This included an overview of the sports provided, nutrition sessions and internal enrichment sessions and the family meal packs.

  • What’s happened since SHEP @ CQHS

Ø  Friendships formed by current year 7’s –

·         the games were focused on team building and communication to build confidence

·         six nutrition sessions were provided over the 12 days 

Ø  Members of Connah’s Quay High School held events such as Arts and Crafts and T-shirt design

Ø  Pete Hawley, another member of the CQHS staff team, provided bush craft sessions

Ø  External companies included AURA, Welsh Rugby and Connah’s Quay Nomads football team

Ø  Commitment from the head teacher for SHEP 2022

Ø  More Connah’s Quay High School Staff on board for 2022


            Councillor Martin White commended Mr. Alex Jones and his team on SHEP and commented on the positive responses from parents and young people.  He thought the recipe cards were a great initiative and asked whether this could be shared with all pupils by the schools to encourage pupils to get involved in cooking and eating healthily.  He raised concerns around WG not confirming funding beyond 2021 and suggested that the Committee write to the WG to highlight how beneficial the SHEP had been and encourage future funding to be provided.  The Learning Advisor advised that the sharing of recipe cards was being considered.  The recipes were used by NEWydd for school meals and it was hoped to grow the cooking practical skills and activities and bring parents on board.  The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) was confident that WG would continue to fund the SHEP due to their focus around poverty, children’s development and well-being. 


            In response to a question from Councillor Dave Mackie, the Learning Advisor confirmed that funding was provided retrospectively from WG, with schools paying for the programme and being reimbursed by WG following submission of evidence of the costs.


            Councillor Tudor Jones suggested an amendment to the recommendation to read “The Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the success and progress of the SHEP Programme”.  This suggestion was supported by the Committee.


            The Facilitator referred to the suggestion made by Councillor Martin White that the Committee write to the WG to seek confirmation of future funding.  She suggested that Councillor Dave Mackie’s concern around retrospective funding also be included in the letter.  This suggestion was supported by the Committee. 


            The recommendations, as listed above, were moved by Councillor Martin White and seconded by Councillor Paul Cunningham. 


            The Chairman thanked the Learning Advisor and Mr. Alex Jones for their report and the valuable work they were undertaking. 




(a)       The Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the success and progress of the SHEP Programme; and


(b)       That a letter from the Committee be sent to the Welsh Government seeking confirmation of future funding for the SHEP and to raise concerns around retrospective funding.

Supporting documents: