Agenda item



That the report be received. 



The Director of Community Services introduced a report to request that the Committee consider the 2012/13 Quarter 1 service performance reports, note the update on the Strategic Assessment of Risks and Challenges (SARC) contained within the performance reports and note progress made against the Improvement Target Action Plans contained within the performance reports. 


            The Partnership Manager Health Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy explained that following a previous meeting of the Committee where the format of the reports had been criticised, a meeting had taken place with the Chair and the Business Performance Officer and an introduction had now been included in each of the performance reports.


            Social Services for Adults


                        The Head of Social Services for Adults gave a short presentation on the performance within Social Services for Adults, outlining work which had been undertaken to improve performance and areas where improvement was needed, as outlined within the report. 


                        The Chair thanked the Head of Social Services for Adults for the excellent report which she welcomed and asked that her thanks be passed on to all of the staff within the team. 


                        Councillor S. Jones felt that the reorganisation of the National Health Service should be included within the Risk and Challenges section of the report.  The Director of Community Services agreed and explained that the Chief Executive was also looking at the corporate risk for the Authority.  The Director agreed to a request from the Chair for a report of the Council’s views on the proposed changes by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board before the Special meeting of Flintshire County Council.   


            In response to a question from Councillor D.I. Mackie about Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG), the Partnership Manager Health Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy explained that a criterion to calculate the number of days had to be followed, but that work was continuing to reduce the number of days to complete a DFG.  The Head of Social Services for Adults said that it was important to have a sustainable solution which could be managed on an ongoing basis.  He added that this was one of his main priorities as the new Head of Adult Services.    


            On the issue of Social Enterprise, Councillor V. Gay asked if a catalogue of equipment had been developed.  The Partnership Manager Health Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy said that it had been signed off and she would make enquiries and report back to Members.  Councillor Gay also sought assurance that customer service training would be provided to those undertaking the DFG adaptations.  


            Social Services for Children


The Head of Social Services for Children gave a short presentation on the performance within Social Services for Children, outlining work which had been undertaken to improve performance and areas where improvement was needed, as outlined within the report. 


The Chair asked that her congratulations for an excellent report be passed on and said that she felt that it contained several areas of good news such as the opening of Arosfa and the launch of the Access to Action card. 


Following a question from Councillor M. Bateman on work with the Youth Justice Service, the Head of Social Services for Children said that she would provide an update report to Members in due course.    


            Development and Resources


The Head of Development and Resources gave a short presentation on the performance within Development and Resources, outlining work which had been undertaken to improve performance and areas where improvement was needed, as outlined within the report. 


The Chair also asked that her congratulations for the report be passed on to the staff in the team.  Following a question from the Chair about how the service would be affected by the reduction to two localities areas by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, the Director of Community Services said that the three teams were now located within two hubs.  The Partnership Manager Health Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy confirmed that there were still three localities leadership teams. 




That the report be received. 


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