Agenda item

Target 70


(a)       That the Committee welcomes the feedback from the member seminars and supports the work undertaken to date to increase recycling rates; and


(b)       That the recommendations on future recycling and waste service provisions be approved.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene & Transportation) introduced Neil Cox, Streetscene Service Manager, to the meeting.  She presented the report which provided feedback from the two all-member workshops/seminars which had been held to give an update on the current recycling performance, the impact of the COVID pandemic on services and changes that the Council could implement to achieve the national recycling target of 70%.  She advised that the report provided feedback from the seminars and recommendations on future recycling and waste service provisions.  The Chief Officer drew attention to page 26 of the report which listed the recommendations which had been made by Members from the workshops/seminars.  She reported on the key considerations as detailed in the report.


In response to the concerns raised by Councillor George Hardcastle regarding waste recycling and the information and support available for elderly and vulnerable people, the Chief Officer explained that work was being undertaken in conjunction with the Housing Service to raise awareness and further information was being developed and shared for people who did not have access to the internet.


Councillor Dave Evans spoke in support of the electronic tag system for brown bin collection (RFID radio frequency identification).  He queried the data provided on the success rate of the pilot scheme.  The Chief Officer responded to the points raised and confirmed that the pilot scheme had been successful and commented on the benefits achieved.  She explained that it was intended to roll out the programme across the County, potentially on a phased approach, in the future.


Councillor Paul Shotton asked if information could be provided on the number of residents receiving assisted collections, and on the vehicle permit system.  The Chief Officer agreed to circulate information on the number of assisted collections to the Committee following the meeting.  Members were informed that literature for assisted collections could also be provided.  The Chief Officer advised that an update on the vehicle permit system could be provided to a future meeting of the Committee.


The Chair asked if a check was undertaken to ensure that the assisted collection scheme was still required by individuals.  The Chief Officer agreed that a review would be undertaken to ensure that eligibility/requirement for the service was updated.


Councillor Sean Bibby commented on the need to raise public awareness on recycling in terms of clarity around what could and could not be recycled.  He cited examples of collections which were not taken by the streetscene crews because they contained non-recyclable items.  Councillor Bibby also commented on the side waste containers and bags and said litter problems were sometimes caused by split and open bags/containers.  He welcomed the return of side-waste enforcement.  The Chief Officer acknowledged the points made and said a review could be undertaken in the future.


Councillor Bibby raised a number of further questions concerning the availability of information on waste recycling in different languages, if there was a  charge for the  AHP collection service, and the issue of vehicles obstructing streets and  preventing access by services (including emergency service vehicles).  The Chief Officer responded in detail to the matters raised by Councillor Bibby and confirmed that the AHP collection service was free of charge.


In response to a question from the Chair around non collection of waste recycling the Chief Officer explained that the Streetscene service crew had stickers which could be put on the bag/container to explain why it was not collected.


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson referred to two complaints he had received from residents in his ward concerning non-collection of the assisted service for the brown bin garden waste, and renewal of a blue badge.  The Chief Officer agreed to discuss the issue of the non-collection of the garden waste with Councillor Hutchinson following the meeting.


The recommendations were moved by Councillor Paul Shotton and seconded by Councillor Owen Thomas.




(a)       That the Committee welcomes the feedback from the member seminars and supports the work undertaken to date to increase recycling rates; and


(b)       That the recommendations on future recycling and waste service provisions be approved.

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