Agenda item

Pension Administration/Communication Update

To provide Committee Members with an update on administration and communication matters


The Committee considered and noted the update.


Mrs Williams commented the following key points regarding the pension administration and communications update:


-       Two members of staff passed their pensions professional qualifications in August, which is a requirement for a team leader level and upwards. Therefore, this qualification gives staff the opportunity to progress in their career.

-       Prudential had installed a new finance system last March, which incurred delays since then in members receiving their benefits. The Fund offered solutions to members whilst members await their money from Prudential. The Fund had reported this issue to TPR and was due to meet with senior management at Prudential to discuss the issues.

-       The Fund advertised available positions within the McCloud support team but had difficulties recruiting. Two members of staff who were on temporary contracts had moved on to other opportunities outside the Fund. However, two modern apprentices are due to start with the Fund in due course.

-       A new format of KPI measures was included on page 284 which was a higher level summary. Members can still receive the more detailed graphs on request.  This included new KPIs, for example in relation to the notification of CETV for divorce purposes.

-       Improvements were made in most KPI areas in this update, but the impact of transfers-in being put on hold by the other schemes as permitted by TPR was reflected in the Fund’s performance figures where there was a slight decline.

Cllr Bateman asked about the team members that had left the Fund. Mrs Williams confirmed that they were on temporary contracts. One member of staff moved to the graduate scheme within the Council and the other member of staff found a permanent position elsewhere.


Cllr Williams asked for an update on iConnect for Wrexham County Borough Council. Mrs Williams stated that Wrexham are fully on board with iConnect, however there are still a few issues with uploading member records to iConnect due to the format and incorrect information in designated fields. Despite this, Mrs Williams clarified she was optimistic this would be resolved as the CPF team and Wrexham are working closely together to rectify the remaining issues.


Mr Everett thanked Mrs Williams and the team for the continued great progress.




The Committee considered and noted the update.

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