Agenda item
To provide details of actions taken under delegated powers.
An information item on the actions taken under delegated powers was submitted. The actions were as set out below:-
Streetscene and Transportation
- The Flintshire County Council – Ffordd Owen, Ffordd Gwynedd, Ffordd Glyndwr, Ffordd Edwin High Street, St Peters Park and Connah’s Quay Road, Northop – Proposed Prohibition of Waiting at any Time
To advise Members of the objections received following the advertisement of the proposed Prohibition of Waiting on the roads listed above.
- Amendment to Flintshire County Councils Cemetery Regulations
Flintshire County Council’s Cemetery Regulations govern the operations undertaken within all its cemeteries and provides guidance on the requirements expected from visitors to the cemeteries and those people who own graves within the cemeteries. Periodically these Regulations are required to be reviewed to ensure that they are up to date and in line with industry standards and still fit for purpose. The amendments outlined will ensure that this is the case for the period 2021 to 2025.
- Council Rent – Application to Write Off Housing Tenancy Arrears
Individual bad debts in excess of £5,000 needing to be written off are considered by the Corporate Finance Manager and the Cabinet Member for Housing and Assets.
A decision to write off a housing rents case has been taken in respect of one tenant who is subject to a Bankruptcy Order. Rent Arrears of £7,268.89 are included in the Bankruptcy Order and as a result of the judgement the arrears are no longer recoverable.
- Council Rent – Write Off of Former Tenancy Arrears Following Eviction
Financial Procedure Rules (Section 5.2) stipulates that individual bad and irrecoverable debts in excessof £5,000 are written off through delegated powers in conjunction with the relevant Cabinet Member.
The decision to write off is in respect of 1 case of unpaid housing rent in circumstances where the tenant abandoned the property prior to an eviction taking place to bring the tenancy to an end. Following the legal steps taken to end this tenancy the rent arrears of £10,100 are deemed to be irrecoverable and there is no proposect of securing payment.
Planning, Environment and Economy
- Planning Performance Agreement
Delegated powers sought to enter into a planning performance agreement to cover costs incurred by the Council for the provision of pre-application advice for a Development Consent Order and Planning Application for a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project.
Housing and Assets
- Proposed Dedication of Council-Owned Land as a Public Footpath on a Section of the Disused Railway Line Between Public Footpath No 5 & 6 in the Community of Buckley Retrospetively
To dedicate land as a Public Footpath which is currently within the ownership of Flintshire County Council, as shown as a black dashed line between point A and B on the plan.
- Community Asset Transfer, Penyffordd Youth Centre and Scount Hut
The Community Asset Transfer of Penyffordd Youth Centre and Scout Hut, Hawarden Road, Penyffordd, Flintshire.
Education and Youth and Housing and Assets
- Disposal of Surplus Building
Joint declaring Surplus to Requirements – Flintshire County Council buildings known as Penyffordd Youth Centre (E&Y) and Scout Hut, Hawarden Road, Penyffordd (H&A) Flintshire prior to transfer as a Community Asset Transfer to Penyffordd and Penymynydd Community Group (CIC) on a 27 year lease.
Supporting documents: