Agenda item

Vehicle Permit Criteria for Household Recycling Centres

To seek Scrutiny approval to revise the Household Recycling Centre van permit application criteria


(a)       That the Committee noted and supported the revised Vehicle Permit Policy for Household Recycling Centres.

(b)       That the Committee noted and supported the Household Recycling Centre booking system criteria.


            The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) confirmed the review was requested by Cabinet following the two Member Workshops held in July 2021. A vehicle permitting scheme was the fairest way to ensure access whilst determining unlawful use by traders.  Feedback from the workshops in July 2021 was that the existing policy was confusing and ambiguous, which had unintentionally resulted in traders being allowed to exploit the system and dispose of trade waste at these household recycling centres, which we were not permitted to accept. There had been issues at the sites with staff receiving verbal and physical abuse with the need for police involvement. 


            The purpose of the review was to make the policy clearer, less ambiguous and easier to understand. It also allowed some flexibility in terms of allowing traders to bring in their own household waste to the site (e.g. a plumber depositing garden waste) using one-off permits.   Again, in response to the feedback from the member workshops, a booking system was proposed for asbestos and other hazardous materials and bulky mattress disposal.   She referred Members to Appendix 1 which outlined the key changes and mentioned that all trailers, regardless of size, would require a permit.   The online application process was now clearer and would limit the confrontation as this was previously carried out at the sites.  Permits would be allocated to specific sites to negate the requirement for permit holders to travel to different sites to dispose of their waste.  This would be introduced in April 2022 to enable communication with existing permit holders on the new requirements and wider publicity.  Leaflets would be provided prior to the implementation date in April to allow for a period of grace.  The current collection policy was highlighted at Appendix 2.  Barriers would also be introduced at the sites which would assist staff.   Information of the booking system was included at Appendix 3.


            Councillor Owen Thomas sought clarification on the size of the trailers permitted to use the sites and where permits could be collected from.   In response the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) confirmed that all trailers regardless of size now required a permit which was free of charge.  There was an online application process provided at Alltami with visual checks and photographs provided online.  This was working well and had been in use for a year now.  Connects Offices still provided assistance for this and assessments were carried out by staff at Alltami.   Councillor Thomas commented that the Flintshire HRC sites were excellent and provided a great service for residents with very helpful staff.


            The Chair asked if vehicles with a business sign were eligible to use the sites.  In response the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) confirmed that provided it was their own household waste then they would be allowed to have one-off permits twice a year.


            The Cabinet Member for Streetscene was proud of the Policy which protected the workforce as regards disposal of hazardous waste such as asbestos.  It also provided certainty for residents when they travelled to the sites to dispose of their mattresses.


The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Owen Thomas and Paul Shotton.




(a)       That the Committee noted and supported the revised Vehicle Permit Policy for Household Recycling Centres.

(b)       That the Committee noted and supported the Household Recycling Centre booking system criteria.

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