Agenda item
End of Year Performance Monitoring Report
- Meeting of Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday, 5th July, 2022 10.00 am (Item 10.)
- View the background to item 10.
(a) That the Committee supported the levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of priorities within the 2021/22 Council Plan;
(b) That the Committee supported the overall performance against 2021/22 Council Plan performance indicators; and
(c) That the Committee was assured by explanations given for those areas of underperformance.
In presenting the Annual Report the Internal Audit Manager confirmed it was based on the Council Plan for 2021/2022, which was approved at Full Council in June 2021. The Council priorities and performance targets against those priorities which related to Streetscene, Planning, Environment & Economy were outlined at 1.05 in the report. The Internal Audit Manager then provided information on the monitoring process involved throughout the year.
The Chief Officer (Planning Environment & Economy) provided information on the three red indicators which were:-
· support to local businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and provided more detail on this.
· Number of individuals entering employment, learning or volunteering
· Number of individuals receiving support
The Regulatory Services Manager then provided detailed information on the 5 red performance indicators for Streetscene and Transportation.
These were: -
- Multi model transport hub in Garden City
- Installation of electric charging points
- Introduction of two electric recycling vehicles which had been part funded by Welsh Government (WG) but there had been a delay in receiving those vehicles.
- Percentage of waste reused, recycled and composted
- Bus quality partnerships – WG network review
In response to questions from Councillor Mike Peers, the Regulatory Services Manager confirmed that the WG recycling, compost and reuse performance target was 64% for last year with the Council achieving 60.5%. This was due to increase to 70% in 2024/25 with the Council fined £200 for every ton sent to landfill if that target was not met. She provided information on the increased levels of residual waste collected during the pandemic as people worked from home and disposed of recycling within their black bin as the HRC sites and other services were closed. Moving forward she explained that once information from the compositional analysis survey was received it would enable engagement with residents to encourage more recycling especially with the use of the food waste service.
In response to a question from the Chair on waste recycling and targeting the worst areas, the Regulatory Services Manager confirmed they were looking at RFID studies, putting chips on bins to make the service more efficient but the data was not available yet. This could provide information on how residents recycle but she added that most residents do recycle.
In response to a question from Councillor Richard Lloyd concerning the Council’s website and the ‘check your bin day’ page, the Regulatory Services Manager confirmed that they were aware of the problem. The page had been disabled with IT were currently working on this and it was hoped it would be up and running soon. Residents were advised to call the Streetscene Contact Centre or refer to their collections calendar.
In response to a question from the Chair on the circa economy information on page 69, the Regulatory Services Manager provided information on the unsuccessful bid for the repair and reuse scheme at the HRC sites. This bid had been re-submitted for further circa economy funding which was being considered by Welsh Government (WG). It was hoped that this would be successful.
The recommendations as set out in the report, were moved and seconded by Councillors Mike Peers seconded by Councillor Dan Rose
(a) That the Committee supported the levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of priorities within the 2021/22 Council Plan;
(b) That the Committee supported the overall performance against 2021/22 Council Plan performance indicators; and
(c) That the Committee was assured by explanations given for those areas of underperformance.
Supporting documents:
Council Plan 2021-22 Year-End Performance (E&E), item 10.
PDF 118 KB
Appendix 1: Year-end progress report against 2021/22 Reporting Measures, item 10.
PDF 752 KB