Agenda item


To receive any requests for dispensations.


Members of the press/public will be able to remain at the meeting whilst an application for dispensation is presented to the Committee and will be able to return to hear the Committee’s decision.  However, under Paragraph 18C Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972 the Committee will exclude the press and public from the meeting whilst it deliberates on any application for a dispensation.


(a)       That Connah’s Quay Town Councillor Bill Crease be granted dispensation under paragraphs (d) and (f) of the Standards Committee (Grant of Dispensations) (Wales) Regulations 2001 to write and speak to officers and to write to Council/Committee meetings but to leave before the debate and vote.  This allows for making verbal and written communications on the matter to officers provided there is at least one witness when speaking to officers, thereby ensuring that there are at least three people involved in the conversation which should be minuted.  The dispensation to be granted for 12 months, ceasing on 5th June 2022. 


(b)       That Connah’s Quay Town Councillor Bill Crease be granted dispensation under paragraphs (d) and (f) of the Standards Committee (Grant of Dispensations) (Wales) Regulations 2001 to write and speak to officers and to write to Council/Committee meetings but to leave before the debate and vote.  This allows for making verbal and written communications on the matter to officers provided there is at least one witness when speaking to officers, thereby ensuring that there are at least three people involved in the conversation which should be minuted.  The dispensation to be granted for 12 months, ceasing on 5th June 2022. 


The Monitoring Officer explained that two dispensation requests had been received.


Councillor Bill Crease


Councillor Crease sought dispensation to write to or speak with officers of Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council, write to, speak and/or answer questions at Council/Committee meetings at Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council, to remain in the room during any debate, and to vote at Council and Planning Committee at both Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council.  The details of the request related to him being a plotholder at Mill Lane Allotments.  His wife was also a plotholder at Mill Lane Allotments.  He was also Chair of Mill Lane Allotment Association. 


He felt that his background knowledge, including being chair of Mill Lane Allotment Association, would bring expertise to any discussions on allotments.  He felt he would be at a disadvantage if he could not contribute at meetings, especially given the recent change in legislation that allowed members of the public to speak at meetings.


Councillor Antony Wren


Councillor Wren sought dispensation to write to or speak with officers of Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council, write to, speak and/or answer questions at Council/Committee meetings at Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council, to remain in the room during any debate, and to vote at Council and Planning Committee at both Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council.  The details of the request related to him being an allotment tenant at Mill Lane Allotments, Connah’s Quay (owned by Flintshire County Council, Leased by Connah’s Quay Town Council), he was Secretary of Mill Lane Allotment Association, a member of Standards Committee at Flintshire County Council and no more/less than any other tenant.


He explained that his wife was also a plotholder at the same allotments.  His reasons for seeking the dispensation were the same as Councillor Crease.


The Monitoring Officer provided advice to the Committee on the granting of dispensations and commented on similar applications that had previously been brought before the Standards Committee.




At this point, the Chair proposed that the meeting move into closed session - as provided for under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.  This was seconded by Gill Murgatroyd.


Councillors Crease and Wren were put into the virtual waiting room and the live streaming of the meeting was paused.




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting as the item was considered to be exempt by virtue of paragraph 18C of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Following the debate, Councillors Crease and Wren were re-admitted to the meeting and the live streaming recommenced.




(a)       That Connah’s Quay Town Councillor and Flintshire County Councillor Bill Crease be granted dispensation under paragraphs (d) and (f) of the Standards Committee (Grant of Dispensations) (Wales) Regulations 2001 to write and speak to officers of Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council and speak to and answer questions at any Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council meetings or working groups/sub-committees but must leave the room whilst the issue is debated or voted on.  When speaking to officers there must be an independent witness present and there must be minutes taken of any such meetings.  The dispensation to be granted for 12 months, ceasing on 5th June 2023. 


(b)       That Connah’s Quay Town Councillor and Flintshire County Councillor Antony Wren be granted dispensation under paragraphs (d) and (f) of the Standards Committee (Grant of Dispensations) (Wales) Regulations 2001 to write and speak to officers of Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council and speak to and answer questions at any Connah’s Quay Town Council and Flintshire County Council meetings or working groups/sub-committees but must leave the room whilst the issue is debated or voted on.  When speaking to officers there must be an independent witness present and there must be minutes taken of any such meetings.  The dispensation to be granted for 12 months, ceasing on 5th June 2023. 

Supporting documents: