Agenda item

Food Service Plan 2022-23 for Flintshire County Council


To recommend the Food Service Plan 2022-23 to Cabinet.


            In presenting the report the Chief Officer (Planning Environment & Economy) saidthat this was a return to business as usual.  The authority was very fortunate to have retained such an experienced team of officers and had also recruited other officers who had provided support across the council. 


The Community and Business Protection Manager and theFood Safety Team Leader commenced the presentation which included slides on the following: -


·         Food Service Plan for 2022 – 2023

·         Background

Ø   Food Service Plan covers Food Safety, Food Standards and Animal Feed

Ø   The Plan is an annual requirement of The Framework Agreement on Official Feed and Food Controls by Local Authorities

Ø   Food Law Code of Practice and Feed Law Code of Practice with associated Practice Guidance governs what we do, when we do it and how we do it

Ø   Service also covers Communicable Disease and elements of other Trading Standards legislation


·         Food Recovery Plan

·         Minimum requirement of the Recovery Plan

·         Review of 2021-2022


Ø   Achieved all programmed inspections in line with the Recovery Plan for Safety and Standards

Ø   New businesses – inspected 91.4% of all new businesses for Hygiene and 88.6% for Standards

Ø   Broadly Compliant figure improved to 98.5%

Ø   Moved ahead of the recovery plan in relation to Category B and C Food Hygiene and Category A-C Food Standards interventions

Ø   Feed interventions in farms not met – 32 out of 50 premises interventions completed

Ø   Significant auditing of shellfish documentation from the Dee Estuary to improve compliance and traceability in the shellfish industry


·         Commitments for 2022 – 2023


Ø   All Category A, B and C (High Risk) Food Hygiene inspections

Ø   All Category D non-broadly compliant Food Hygiene inspections

Ø   All Category A (High Risk) Food Standards inspections and all Category B premises that are also due their Food Hygiene inspection

Ø   90% of all new businesses to be inspected for both Hygiene and Standards

Ø   Feed – 72 Farms interventions and 40 High Risk premises across the range of Feed business types

·           Summary


            The Cabinet Member for Planning, Public Health and Public Protection was pleased that this was being shared with committee.  The work undertaken by the team during the pandemic was outstanding, with track and trace unable to function without them.  He referred members to page 117 which listed the 1,452-food premises within Flintshire, all of which required one inspection per year.  The annual report provided reassurance that the farm to fork process was still working thanks to the ongoing work of the team and it was a tribute to them that issues very rarely come to light. 


            The Chief Officer (Planning Environment & Economy) confirmed this report would be presented to Cabinet next week with the Committee’s views that it should be adopted.


The recommendation as set out in the report was moved and seconded by Councillors Mike Allport and Ian Hodge




To recommend the Food Service Plan 2022-23 to Cabinet.

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