Agenda item
Council Plan 2022-23
- Meeting of Flintshire County Council, Tuesday, 26th July, 2022 2.00 pm (Item 22.)
- View the background to item 22.
The Strategic Performance Advisor advised that Part 1 set out high level ambitions for 2022/23 whilst Part 2 identified supporting actions, tasks and measures detailing how achievements would be measured and evaluated. Part 3 showed theme alignment with Overview & Scrutiny committees where progress would be monitored.
Councillor Richard Jones said that setting the majority of milestones for March 2023 made it difficult for Overview & Scrutiny to monitor regular progress. Having previously raised this, officers had already agreed to review milestones prior to publishing the Plan. He highlighted the importance of the Council Plan in the context of financial planning and the need to ensure that additional items could be measured. On the ‘well-connected, safe and clean local environment’ priority, he asked if work with the two towns identified in this year’s Plan would also benefit other towns throughout the period.
In proposing adoption of the Council Plan 2022-23, Councillor Ian Roberts thanked the officers for all their work. To address Councillor Jones’ comments, he suggested that Overview & Scrutiny committees be asked to review milestones for their respective areas in conjunction with any recommendations from Chief Officers. On behalf of the Labour group, he took the opportunity to thank staff for their dedication and resilience in meeting challenges during this period of the Council Plan.
He was seconded by Councillor Billy Mullin.
Councillor Mike Peers referred to the Fuel Poverty sub-priority definition on households with higher than average fuel costs and sought clarification on whether this applied to all households in this situation or those linked to affordable and accessible housing. On associated risks, he queried the baseline reduction in risks given the likelihood of more households being affected and asked how funding streams would be prioritised due to the decreasing availability of funding to deliver fuel poverty projects. On the Private Rented Sector priority to raise standards in the management and condition of housing, he sought assurance that provision of resources would not replicate work already being done by Rent Smart Wales.
On Part 1 of the Council Plan, Councillor David Coggins Cogan proposed that the definition of Fuel Poverty be changed within the document as follows: ‘Fuel Poverty: Households which experience poverty as a result of their fuel costs’ to reflect the broader range of those affected by continued price increases and not just those with ‘higher than average’ costs.
After being seconded by Councillor Andrew Parkhurst, the amendment was accepted by Councillors Roberts and Mullin.
Whilst Councillor Richard Jones acknowledged the intent, he questioned whether it was possible to change the wording of this nationally set definition. The Chief Officer (Governance) advised that officers would consider where the change could be incorporated in the Council Plan.
Speaking in support, Councillor Glyn Banks referred to households affected by increases in oil prices.
In response to earlier comments, Councillor Paul Cunningham reminded Members that progress on the Council Plan was subject to regular detailed scrutiny.
Councillor Bill Crease commented on the need for milestones to be realistic and achievable.
Having been moved and seconded, the recommendation was put to the vote and carried.
That the Council Plan 2022-23 Part 1 be adopted, subject to (i) a review of target dates for completion of actions by the Overview & Scrutiny Committees; and (ii) redefining Fuel Poverty so that it is not limited to those on low income (if possible).
Supporting documents:
- Council Plan 2022/23, item 22. PDF 112 KB
- Enc. 1 - Council Plan (Part 1) 2022-23, item 22. PDF 168 KB
- Enc. 2 - Council Plan (Part 2) 2022-23, item 22. PDF 265 KB
- Enc. 3 - Alignment to O&S Committees, item 22. PDF 191 KB