Agenda item
Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports
- Meeting of Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 13th December, 2012 10.00 am (Item 51.)
- View the background to item 51.
(a) That the reports be received.
(b) That copier invoice errors be pursued.
(c ) That 100% of undisputed invoices should be paid in 30 days.
(d) That Human Resources explore new categories to avoid the use of “other” and that for quarter 3, reports about short and long term absences would be available.
(e) That a report on the progress of the Physiotherapy project be submitted to committee in April 2013.
(f) That it be recommended that the business case for tablets include savings associated with electronic handbooks, diaries and A-Z.
(g) That Councillor J. Johnson be provided with further information about dog fouling enforcement.
The Head of Finance presented the Quarter 2 Service Performance Report from Finance which covered the period 1 July 2012 to 30 September 2012.
An update regarding the final settlement for Flintshire County Council would be given to cabinet the following week. The medium term financial strategy 2013-14 would be discussed in January 2013. A team from Finance had been working on Single Status with Human Resources. The Revenues and Benefits team were awarded IWRB improved team of the year. The Revenues team had successfully piloted agile working in their department and it would now be offered to Benefits in quarter 3. Finance staff had been working with Flintshire Futures on corporate investment, corporate debt policy and fees and charges. The Finance Review was near completion with the new structure to be in place from 7 January 2013.
The Head of Finance summarised the performance indicator results for quarter 2. The quarter outturn for Performance Indicator CFH/006, Percentage of undisputed invoices paid on time (30 days) was 78.8% which fell short of the quarter target of 95%. This was partly attributed to a temporary technical problem with invoice payment system.
Councillor C.S. Carver said that every councillor had been sent an invoice for photocopying, and was surprised at the amount of copies used. The Member Engagement Manager said that he would investigate the photocopying costs for Democratic Services. Councillor N. R. Steele Mortimer said that 100% of undisputed invoices should be paid within 30 days. The Chief Executive agreed that a target of 100% should be the aspiration
Human Resources and Organisational Development
An update was given on ongoing projects undertaken by the department such as Single Status which now had a new timetable for implementation which was likely to be June 2013. It was envisaged that equal pay claims would be settled after the implementation of single status towards the end of 2013. A review of policies, including agile working policies was now underway. Phase 2 of I-Trent Manager Self Service was now complete. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that the Occupational Health Partnership Agreement with Wrexham County Borough Council was continuing to operate “successfully”. She said that the aim was to offer Occupational Health services to other Councils and/or organisations and operate more as a semi-commercial Unit in the future.
The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that performance indicator CHR/002 – The number of working days/shifts per full time equivalent (FTE) local authority employee lost due to sickness absence for quarter 2 was 2.3 days. The target for quarter 2 had been 2.00 days.
Councillor C.S. Carver thanked the Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development for the report. He asked about the categories used to define reasons for sickness absence and asked what the option “other” would include. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that 50% of absences could not be explained by the listed categories used. It would be known to the manager the reason for absence, but if “other” was ticked on the sickness records, Human Resources would not be able to see the exact cause. She said that Human Resources could look at new categories to avoid the use of “other” and that for quarter 3, reports about short and long term absences would be available.
Councillor M. Bateman asked who was responsible for completing return to work interview forms. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that the form was jointly completed by the manager and the staff member.
Councillor P. Shotton asked when the trade union ballot regarding single status would be conducted. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that the ballot was likely to be held in April 2013. Councillor Shotton asked about the progress of the Physiotherapy pilot project. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development said that a report would be available towards April/May 2013.
ICT and Customer Services
The Head of ICT and Customer Services presented the Quarter 2 Service Performance Report which covered the period 1 July 2012 to 30 September 2012.
There had been an improvement in Performance Indicator ICTM 1, Help desk calls fixed on time which was 92% in quarter 2 compared to 88.33% in the previous quarter. The annual was 94%. Additional resources had now been provided for the Help Desk. Flintshire was now the host for Capita One schools management system on behalf of the 6 North Wales authorities. A new deal had been negotiated for software which had reduced the costs of licences. Building Control now used mobile devices which allowed them to view documents on site. The ICT service review had been delayed due to capacity issues. A new structure will be proposed in the New Year and details brought to Overview and Scrutiny. With regards to Customer Services, the time taken to respond to complaints had improved, but had not reached the target of 80%. Flintshire Connects in Holywell had now opened and had been well received. Options were now being considered for centres initially in Flint and Connah’s Quay, with Buckley, Mold and Saltney later, possibly with partner agencies. The new e-procurement system had been rolled out in Corporate Services and was now due to be rolled out in Environment.
Councillor P. Shotton asked if Flintshire and North Wales companies were used as widely as possible in terms of procurement. The Head of ICT and Customer Service said that the council was constrained by OJEU process but would seek to support local providers. Following a proposal by the Chair, it was agreed that an item be included on the Forward Work Programme in March for a fuller debate on this matter.
Councillor M. Bateman asked if it would be possible for councillors to purchase their own tablets using the Flintshire County Council procurement system.
The Head of ICT and Customer Services said that he had prepared a business case for tablets for discussion with the Leadership with demonstrable savings. Councillor Bateman said that further savings could be identified by the use of electronic handbooks, diaries and A-Z.
Councillor C. S. Carver asked if the Member ICT Working Group would be retained. The Head of ICT and Customer Services said that following a review of working groups that it had been decided to retain this group.
Councillor R. G. Hampson asked if technical difficulties with PDA systems for Housing Staff had been resolved. The Head of ICT and Customer Services said that dialogue was ongoing between the hardware supplier, software supplier and the council.
Councillor D. Mackie said that the implementation of tablets for members would require dedicated IT back up. The Head of ICT and Customer Services said that the business case stated the need for a full time member of staff to support members for a period of 12-18 months.
Legal and Democratic Services
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services presented the Quarter 2 Service Performance Report and gave an update on highlights for the quarter which included the approval of the Annual Governance Statement by the Audit Committee subject to minor amendments.
Revision to Guidance on the Code of Conduct had been issued by the Ombudsman following the “Calver” decision. The Adjudication Panel for Wales hearing in respect of Councillor Heesom would now consider its findings of fact and report back in the new year. A number of training sessions for Town and Community Councillors had been held.
In Legal Services, there had been an increase in child protection cases. The council was in discussion with other North Wales councils to see if a lawyer could be jointly employed in order to reduce the use of Counsel. Interviews for the Legal Services Collaborative Project Manager would be held on 19 December.
The Police and Crime Commissioner Elections had a low turnout. Flintshire took on the role of coordinating all the North Wales results and good feedback was received about the electoral services team. Guidance around R.I.P.A legislation had changed and the council must now refer applications to a magistrate.
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services said that Data Protection continued to have red status under the Strategic Assessment of Risks and Challenges (SARC) which was due to the fact that the council held a lot of personal information and that the financial penalties for loss were substantial. The ICO would inspect Data Protection processes at the council in early 2013. A list of posts within the council that required mandatory Data Protection training has been documented and Data Protection training had been ongoing.
Councillor P. Shotton expressed his thanks to all the staff involved with the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections and to civic services staff involved with the Flintshire Olympic civic receptions.
Councillor J. Johnson asked about procedures in relation to dog fouling fines. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services said that the council issued fines notices and were entitled to prosecute for any non payment of fines. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services said that he would forward more detailed information to Councillor Johnson.
Councillor I. Smith asked if member training could be conducted in the evenings for working members, but this suggestion was not supported by the rest of the committee members.
The Chairman asked why Data Protection remained at red status on the SARC if controls were in place. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services said given the sensitive nature of the data handled by the council any accidental loss could be significant and the numbers of staff involved meant that there was scope for an error to be made. Red status would therefore be normal for this area. Officers would reassess the risk in light of the findings of an inspection to be undertaken by the Information Commissioners Office around March 2013.
(a) That the reports be received.
(b) That copier invoice errors be pursued.
(c ) That 100% of undisputed invoices should be paid in 30 days.
(d) That Human Resources explore new categories to avoid the use of “other” and that for quarter 3, reports about short and long term absences would be available.
(e) That a report on the progress of the Physiotherapy project be submitted to committee in April 2013.
(f) That it be recommended that the business case for tablets include savings associated with electronic handbooks, diaries and A-Z.
(g) That Councillor J. Johnson be provided with further information about dog fouling enforcement.
Supporting documents:
- Enc. 1 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports, item 51. PDF 151 KB
- Enc. 2 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports, item 51. PDF 148 KB
- Enc. 3 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports, item 51. PDF 366 KB
- Enc. 4 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports, item 51. PDF 117 KB
- Enc. 5 for Quarter 2 Service Performance Reports, item 51. PDF 27 KB